The "sex" talk

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Your POV -

It was the morning after you and Peter had decided to be friends.

You woke up at around 9am. You had a twisting feeling in the bottom of your stomach. It hurt like a b*tch.

You went across the hall to the toilet and went to pee.

When you wiped, there was a sh*t ton of blood on the toilet paper.

"WHAT THE F*CK?!!!" You screamed.

Someone came running down the hall and knocked on the door.

"(Y/n)?!!! Are you okay??" Peters voice cane from outside.

You wiped off all the blood that was down there, pulled up your pyjama bottoms, washed your hands thoroughly and opened the door to a very concerned Peter Parker.

You peeked your head down the hall to make sure no one was there before whispering "I'm bleeding."

His concern grew. "Sh*t really? From where."

This was awkward. "From my...thingy." You whispered through clenched teeth.

His face turned bright red.

"Oh uh you got your period." He scratched his head.

"My what??"

"Uhh I'm gonna go get Nat and Wanda, they'll handle this better."

He ran down the hall

"No, no, no! Peter! F*ck."

You closed the door and sat on the ground until he came back.

"(Y/n)?" Nat and Wanda opened the door.

"Wanda what's a minstrel cycle?"

She smiled. "Menstrual cycle (Y/n). "

They both sat down opposite you.

And there you were. Getting a sex ed talk from Nat and Wanda. You felt embarrassed for not knowing anything.

Nat continued on, "And when you're a teenager and an adult, you get really hormonal, which can make you feel butterflies in your lady part. This is called being horny. Usually people masturbate to make it go away."

You were absolutely shocked at the amount of detail she went into.

Wanda just looked at her with one eyebrow raised.

"....and then, when you're having sex, sometimes the boy is on top - this is called missionary - so you wrap your arms around his neck and kinda thrust your hip int-"

Wanda interrupted. "Okay i don't think she needs to know this much. Here," she handed you a box of tampons, "use these like we told you too. Change them every four hours, and wash your hoo ha in the shower. Wear pads at night aswell."

You nodded, taking in all this information.

Nat smiled. "Have fun."


It was an hour later.

You'd put in a tampon and had a shower to get any excess blood off of you.

You wrapped a towel around your body and head back out into the hallway.

You bumped into Bucky.

He laughed a little. "Heard you got into a bit of trouble this morning."

You went red. "How do you know that?"

"The whole facility could hear you screaming what the f*ck. We thought you died."

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