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(This part is lazily written but I'm not bothered to go into excessive detail)

You woke up to a flashlight in your eyes. There were three doctors surrounding you, all muttering to themselves.

Strangely, you remembered every thing that happened yesterday super clearly.

You sat up. The original doctor that had brought you to that light walked in. He motioned for the other doctors to leave.

"We're going to need to run a few tests (Y/n). I have a faint idea of what might've happened, but I'm unsure."

For the next two hours he gave you long numbers and words to view, then he told you to say them all back to him. To see if you remembered. Somehow, you remembered every single one.

He asked you to look into his head and try find a memory. "From December 16 1991."

A twisted beam of white light ( imagine like Wandas magic but white ) made its way out of your palm and towards his head.

You could see every single memory he had. Your mind was like a filter, you put in a keyword, and the memory would pop up. You brought it to surface for him.

He laughed. "It works! Congratulations (Y/n), you are going to be our greatest assassin."


For the next 6 years they trained you like an animal. You learned computing skills, hand to hand combat, sword combat, martial arts, and how to kill.

You hated all of it. You hated your life there, you hated killing and hated hurting people. But you had no choice.

You quickly learned your powers and what you could use them for.

You could make people forget things, make them remmeber old memories, implant a memory that never happened, bring up their worst memory, and bring up their best memory.

You were skilled and you were powerful, the perfect assassin.

You were often sent on top class missions, to kill important people, but every now and then you would mess up. Not accidentally, you never miss a shot, but because if you mess up enough times, Hydra will brainwash you and let you go.

The reason they haven't done it to you, is because they're not sure if you'd rememeber everything or not. You were a liability.

That didn't stop them from punishing you though. They had implanted two chips into the sides of your neck, so that every time you failed, you'd be electrocuted. It was excruciating.

Yesterday, they gave you a mission. Infiltrate the avengers facility, and retrieve the tesseract, no deaths and no casualties. ( I realise the tesseract is a different time, but I'm writing this as if infinity war and endgame never happened, this means that Nat, Tony and Steve will be in this, and they'll all be friends )

You had to carry it out today, and you were shitting a brick. They had given you a leather body suit, with a built in chest plate. A utility belt was around your waist, and was holding two guns and two knives. Two samurai swords were secured onto the holster around your back. You looked at yourself in the mirror, and fixed your long white hair into a plait. It was time to go.

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