The incident

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You were on patrol night tonight with Peter.

Finally you two would have some alone time to talk about each other.

Tonight's patrol was in Queens, Peter's hometown.

He suited up into his Spider-man costume and you geared up into your leather suit.

Of course, you couldn't forget your samurai swords.

"Hey (Y/n). Ready to go?"

"Yep," you smiled up at him.

He smiled back.

You both got into the car and instructed F.R.I.D.A.Y where to go.

It was 6:30 pm and it was still partially bright out.

You eventually reached Queens. It was a small quiet street, with a sand which shop at the corner of it.

You and Peter found a rooftop to overlook things, and you both sat down on the ledge.

The sun was setting, it painted beautiful pink and yellow streaks through the sky.

You stared at it intently, smiling, thinking of all the good things in your life.

"What are you thinking about?" Peter asked.

You smiled up at him, squinting slightly. "You."

He smiled widely.

You both stayed like that for a minute.

Looking at each other happily.

His gaze drifted from your eyes to your lips, and he slowly began to lean in.

You leaned in with him, your faces were so close, your lips about to touch his when-


A gunshot goes off down the street.

"Oh sh*t!" Peter exclaimed, and he swung down with you in his arms, so you could see what was going on.

It seemed as though there was a robbery happening in the sand which shop.

Peter ran in.

"Peter wait!"


The gun shoots again.

You heard a yell.

You slowly creeped around the corner of the shop, trying to get a good view of what was going on.

There were two men.

One had a gun, while the other was screaming at the customers.

Okay okay I can do this.  I just need a plan.

You slowly removed your sword from the sheath, and took a small blade from your utility belt.

You quickly whipped around the corner and aimed the small blade at the hand with the gun.

It made contact and the man screamed.

You ran in, flipping and kicking the same guy in the head, throwing the gun away from him.

The second man grabbed you from behind, you grunted, but used him to pull up your feet and kick the other guy in the gut.

You then flipped yourself, the man landing on his back, breathless.

Peter used his webs to tie them up.

You could see he was holding his gut, and there was blood dripping from his fingers.

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