Back at Hydra

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You woke up in a haze.

You head spinning, your vision blurry, you gathered your thoughts for a minute, to try remember exactly what happened.

You looked around.

You were in a cell, and your wrists were restrained with cuffs. You tried using your powers, just to see if they still worked, but they didn't.

The handcuffs didn't allow you to use them.

How could you end up back here? Why did they want you back?

Too many questions that hadn't been answered.

You started thrashing against the bars on the cell, screaming and pulling, but it wouldn't let up.

Defeated, you sank back against the wall, a tear rolling down your face.

You were terrified.

A man walked up to the cell. He was tall and broad, with huge muscles.

He opened the cell door and hunched on his ankles opposite you.

His hand reached out, wiping away your tears. You flinched.

"It's okay little one. I know what it's like to feel defeated. But you aren't going anywhere."

He smiled softly and stroked your cheek.

"You see, the Avengers killed my daughter, in Sokovia. So, I'm going to torture one of theirs, and when you return to them, I hope you'll be as broken as I was when I found out my daughter was dead."

With that, he got up and shut the cell door, but before he left, he said, "Hail Hydra."

You cried, racking sobs going through your body.

The pain Hydra left you with the first time had been enough to endure, you didn't know if you could go through this.

You sat there, for what felt like hours.

You stomach was rumbling, and you had no tears left to cry.

Eventually, you fell asleep, but it wasn't a peaceful sleep.

No, that wouldn't come for a while.

(Sorry that was rlly dark lol but these next few chapters gonna be pretty sad)


Peters POV -

The Avengers were frantic. Trying to source the location to find (Y/n).

I sat on the couch, crying, staring off into space.

No one could believe what had just happened.

"Tony it's not gonna work we've tried," I heard Clint say.

"Well make it goddamn work we have to find her!" Tony shouted.

Her disappearance had taken a toll on everyone.

We felt responsible for her, and that part hit Tony the hardest.

It was already 11pm, and everyone was tired.

I went to bed, doubting I would get much sleep.

My thoughts were filled with worries of what was happening to (Y/n).

I tossed and turned but sleep didn't come.

So I decided to get a glass of water.

I walked into the kitchen, to see Tony at the table.

He looked tired, dishevelled, and there was a glass of whiskey next to him.

"Mr. Stark?"

Tony looked up. "Oh Peter, why are you awake?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

He picked up his drink, "Just drowning the sorrows."

I sat down next to him and pulled the drink from his hand. He stared directly at the wall.

"I lost her Peter," he looked at me, his eyes welling up with tears, "I didn't talk to her for the whole day, and now she's gone."

He took a heavy sigh, "God. Did you know that we have the best security defence in the world? Well apparently not if Cinderella can just waltz in and take (Y/n)," his voice croaked.

"Tony, it's all our faults. We should've been paying more attention. She's not gone forever, okay? We'll get her back."

I pulled him into a hug. We were sobbing on each other shoulders.

Rattled by today's loss.

Tony pulled away, "Okay kid, go to bed."

I nodded and left the kitchen.

I returned to my bed and stared at the ceiling.

Preparing for a sleepless night.

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