It worked

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You were shivering in your cell.

You didn't know how long it had been since the Sarah incident happened.

Minutes? Hours ? Days?

Time didn't exist in your cold dark cell.

You had gotten sick twice since her death.

It wasn't really sick though, your stomach was too empty for that.

You could see your ribs clearly underneath your shirt.

You'd given up on any hope of getting out of here. All you wanted now, was a peaceful death.

Sergio arrived at your cell again.

"Come on, we're trying again."

He led you back into that room you were in a while ago, the one with wires and devices everywhere.

You knew what was going to happen, excruciating pain for hours on end.

You didn't much care anymore.

They strapped you in and turned on the machine. You screamed, the pain was still unbearable but at least you got to focus on something else.

A few hours went past and the machine turned off.

You had passed out while it was on.

When you woke up, there were three men looking directly at you.

You jumped up.

"Where the hell am I?"

You appeared to be in a dark room, surrounded with wires and different technology.

You racked your brain for any information on how you got here but everything was blurred.

A man with blonde hair and steel blue eyes stood in front of.

"What's your name?"

You looked at him.

You were trying your best to remember even that small piece of information but it wouldn't come out.

"I don't know," you said quietly.

The man smiled.


They changed you into some sort of leather gear, with swords and guns.

The man gave you your mission.

"Infiltrate and assassinate the Avengers."

You nodded.

The avengers? You'd no idea who they were.

Seemed like you were about to find out.


Peters POV -

(Y/n) had been gone for two weeks.

The Avengers were slowly losing hope.

Nat barely came out of her room.

Bucky was in bits.

Even Vision didn't know what to do with himself.

Tony locked himself in his lab for hours on end as a distraction.

And I cried. Every single day. Hoping for her to come back.

I walked into the library. I'd been burying myself in books as a distraction.

I picked out the book Pride and Prejudice.

(Y/n) had mentioned it to me one time.


Her long white hair.

Her (e/c) eyes.

A tear rolled down your cheek and you quickly closed the book and ran back out to the corridor.

That's when you saw her.

Standing at the end of the corridor.

With a gun pointed directly at you.

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