The Interrupted Sex

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Your POV -

Peters accident has scared you.

You stayed with him for the next two days.

Your nightmares had gotten worse, resulting you knocking at Peters door at 3 in the morning.

You woke up early today, Peters arms wrapped around you.

You slowly removed them and headed to the kitchen.

Nat was in there sitting down.

"Hey (Y/n)."

"Morning Nat."

You grabbed a glass of water.

"So how comes you haven't been sleeping in your room recently?"

You stopped in your tracks. She was looking at you with one eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face.

"I uh, I emm, uh how did you know that?"

"Us former assassins know these things," she said taking a sip of her orange juice.

You smiled faintly.

"So where have you been sleeping?"

She already knew the answer, she just wanted to see if you'd tell the truth.

"Well uhhh, I usually sleep in Peters room when I have nightmares."

Her smile intensified.

"Oh? You like him?"

Your cheeks went red.


She laughed.

"Everyone has noticed (Y/n), you two aren't exactly that secretive about it."

Your face fell.

"Everyone knows?"

"Everyone except Tony, Bucky and Vision. Which is pretty typical. So are you guys an item?"

She was watching you closely, teasing you.

"No. Not yet."

Her eyebrow raised again. "Not yet? Making moves are we?"

"Fuck off," you said laughing.

She chuckled. "It's cute. You and Parker."

You smiled. "Mmhmmm."

The day went by quickly.

You had sit around the whole day, but you had promised Peter you would watch a movie with him later.

You opened the door to his room to find him lying on his bed.

"You ready for the movie?"

"Yep," you said. And jumped onto the bed next to him.

You both decided to watch Superbad.

Peters tv was opposite his bed, so you both lay back comfortably on his mattress, watching the movie.

Halfway through the movie you caught him staring at you.

You smiled.

"What are you looking at Peter Parker?"

"Just admiring you."

You rolled your eyes jokingly, then landed them back on his face.

His eyes followed your lips, and you found yourself leaning in.

Your lips met, and he softly kissed you, hand on your waist.

You placed your hand on the side of his head, leaning over more until you were practically on top of him.

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