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It had been two weeks since you and Peter had been "caught" in the training room.

You'd thought about him a lot since then.

His eyes, his smile, his perfect brown hair, the way he talked to you.

You really did like him a lot, and you wondered if he liked you back.

But surely if he got a boner he must like me?

You were unsure, but it was late, and you needed to stop thinking about Peter Parker and go to bed.

~ your dream ~

You were running through the forest, something was chasing you, taunting you. You ran faster and faster and faster, terrified for your life. When you looked down at the ground you could see bones and dead bodies. You heard laughter coming from whoever was chasing you. You kept on running. Suddenly, you ran into a force field, it was a clear one, so you could see the other side of the forest, but you couldn't go through. You banged on it and screamed for whoever had it up to let you in. The footsteps from behind you came closer and closer. They almost reached you when -

You woke up.

It had been your worst nightmare yet, but it wasn't a memory.

The sweat was running off of you and you were panting.

You got up out of bed to go to the kitchen but decided on a different route.

You ended up outside of Peter Parker's door.

When you knocked, you heard a quiet "Come in."

He sat up from his bed and could see you shaking at the door. 

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

You shivered a little bit. "Could i sleep in here tonight?"

He looked surprised, but he nodded.

You climbed into his bed, and made sure you weren't touching him. You both lay down with your backs to each other.

"Goodnight (Y/n)."

"Night Peter."


Peters POV -

I woke up in the most unexpected position possible.

(Y/n) was laying on top of me and my hands were..... on her ass.

All I could see was her shoulder

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All I could see was her shoulder.

Her chest was moving in and out with her heavy breaths.

I carefully removed my hands from her ass, and left her sleeping on the bed. She looked peaceful.

I went into the bathroom and had a shower.

When I came out, I had wrapped a towel around my lower half.

I walked back into my room and started rummaging for clothes.

"Peter?" (Y/n) said sleepily.

She was staring straight at me. Correction, she was staring straight at my abs.

"Go back to sleep (Y/n)."

She sat up straight, fully awake now.

"Peter I need to tell you something."

My heart rate increased, I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah uh what is it ?"

She gulped. "I um, I uhh i like you."

My eyes widened, I was in shock.

My heart beat even faster.

She felt the same way about you too?

"I uh wow uh i ahem I uh like you too."

I was a stammering mess.

She smiled a little. "I'm tired, I'm gonna go back to sleep."

I smiled, and pulled the duvet over her.

I stared at her for a few moments, still in shock.

I couldn't believe she liked me back? What was going to happen now? I was ecstatic.

I threw on a hoodie and some tracksuit bottoms, and walked into the kitchen.

Everyone but Tony and Bucky was there.

"Morning Peter," Steve said.


"Peter where's (Y/n)?" Wanda asked.

Sh*t. What was I meant to say to this.

"Uh i think she's uh in her room."

I smiled nervously and fiddled with my hands.

"That's funny," Vision said, "I was just in there and there was no sign of her."

Nat gave Steve an "I told you so" look with a smile. Steve smiled and shook his head.

The rest of the avengers in the room gave each other knowing looks, vision was the only one who hadn't caught on.

Sh*t. They know I like her.

I pretended as if I didn't know what they were looking at each other for and quickly grabbed some cereal.

"Peter how have you and (Y/n) been getting on recently?" Nat asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

I chuckled nervously, "Yeah uh good."

She nodded and smiled again, raising her eyebrows at Steve, who was trying to hold in his laughter.

Bucky walked in. He noticed everyone's odd looks. "What's going on?"

"Notging Bucky, nothing at all." Sam said.

I walked out of the room so as not to get murdered by Bucky, if he caught on youd be a dead man.


Your POV -

You woke up again a few hours later, in Peters bed.

The memory of what you'd confessed to him came flooding back.

You couldn't believe you actually told him. You were probably half asleep, but you were glad you said it.

And he liked you too.

You hopped out of bed, and opened the door to return to your room, when you ran into Bucky.

"What the hell were you doing in Peters room?"

"I uh was just looking for something."

Bucky bit his tongue. "I don't like this thung you two have going on, I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I'm not gonna get hurt James, we're just friends."

He scrunched up his mouth, "Fine. But if he hurts you I'll kill him, you don't need to be put through more sh*t."

And with that, he walked away.

He was just trying to protect you, you knew that, but sometimes you wished he'd turn it down a notch.

And just let you and Peter do your thing.

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