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Violence warning !!!

Five days of brain numbing torture.

Electricity firing your neurons.

Your ears were constantly bleeding.

They had thrown you back into the cell, giving up on trying to erase your memory.

Little did they know that any of your memories had a different quality to them now, they were....blurry.

It scared you.

Sergio walked up to the cell.

"You have a cellmate," he said, revealing a little girl around 10 years old.

She was petite, with big brown eyes and brown hair.

He opened the cell door and threw her in.

She whimpered.

"Enjoy sharing food," Sergio said, and he left.

You sat down beside the girl.

"Hi," you said softly, "what's your name?"

She looked up at you with frightened eyes.


You smiled. "Hi Sarah, I'm (Y/n)."

Sarah relaxed a bit.

You tried to calm her down, feeling responsible for her well-being. After all, you were her age when Hydra took you too.

"What are you doing here ?" She asked.

"They took me from my home," you replied.

She looked at her feet. "I miss my mom and dad."

You looked at her with sad eyes and put an arm around her.

"It'll be okay."

Sarah grabbed your hand.

"Do you have a mom and dad?" She asked.

You stared at the wall.

"I used to. I have a new family now."

You tried to remember your parents but the image was fuzzy, and blocked you from seeing it. It upset you.

Sarah looked up at you with her big eyes.

"Well," you began, "there's Tony, he's very overprotective, but it's only because he loves me. Then there's Nat and Wanda, they're my big sisters. Bucky, Steve, Thor and Sam are like my brothers, they're always making fun of me but it's out of love. Vision, Rhodey and Clint are like my uncles."

You took a deep breath.

"And then there's Peter. He's my boyfriend. He's nice and he's funny, but I cant really remember what he looks like," you said the last part with a sob, your voice croaking.

You strained yourself trying to remember Peters face, but it was like trying to sieve water, the memory kept slipping through your grasp.

Sarah rested her head on your shoulder.

"They sound nice."

You wiped away a tear.

"Yeah, they are. Tell me about your family."

She was quiet for a minute.

"They're all dead."

You took a heavy breath, and squeezed her tighter, both of you shivering in the cold.

You fell asleep like that, with Sarah in your arms, protecting her.

When you woke up the next morning, your arms were empty.

You jumped up, looking around for Sarah.

You found her picking at the lock for the cell door.

"Sarah," you whispered.

"Sarah don't, they'll find out."

She kept on going.

Eventually she got it open, and she walked through to the other side.

"Look (Y/n)! We can go now, and you can bring me to you fami-

A long knife went through her stomach.

"SARAH!" You screamed.

She looked down at the knife then up at you again, a tear rolling down her streak.

Sobs were racking through your body as you watched the knife get pulled out of her stomach.

It was Sergio who murdered her.

He walked into your cell and crouched down to you.

You were crying, refusing to believe what had just happened.

He gave you an insincere pitying look, wiping your tears with his thumb.

"And that's what happens, when you try to leave. Do you understand?"

You continued on crying.

His grip on the back of your head tightened.

"I said, do you understand?" He said ferociously.

You nodded. "I understand."

He stood up.


He walked over to Sarah's body.

"Someone clean up this mess."

Sure enough, two people ran in to collect Sarah's lifeless body.

The body you had held against you last night.

The girl you had tried to comfort.

The girl with no family.


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