Friends ?

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Peters POV -

It had been a month since (Y/n) moved in with us.

We talked a little bit, but only really when we were training.

I tried to talk to her but she gave me one word answers a lot.

We weren't enemies, but I wouldn't exactly call us friends.

I didn't like that

I got this game on my PS4, called minecraft, and I wanted to ask her if she'd play it with me.

Mr. Stark had told me to make an effort, I mean, I would've anyway even if he didn't ask me too.

Her room was right beside mine so it wasn't long before I was right outside her door.

I knocked.

"Come inn!"

I walked in. She was looking at something on her laptop. Her room had been decorated a little since I was last in here, the shelves had different bits and bobs on them, and she had colourful pillows on her bed. It was nice.

"I uh. I was just wondering if you wanna play this new game I got uh with me ?"

She looked at me for a second before looking back at her laptop.

"No thanks."

Something in me just boiled up. She had been saying no for weeks now, and I was sick of it. I didn't want to be mean, but I also wanted her to just talk to me.

"Why are you being like this?" I asked.

She looked slightly shocked. It quickly faded.

"Being like what?"

I furrowed my brows, "Like THIS. You always say no anytime I suggest something to do, you never properly talk to me. Is it something I'm doing bec-"

At this she quickly cut me off, eyes wide. "No! No, no it's not something you're doing. It's just...hard, to adjust to everything."

You weren't too convinced yet. "Yeah but you talk to the other Avengers. Why not me ?"

She looked hesitant to speak, but eventually said quietly, "Because there's more of a chance that I'd be attached to you."

Well now I felt bad. She was obviously scared of friendships. I know how she felt.

I sat down beside her on the bed. "Listen, you don't need to worry about losing people, we're not going anywhere."

She looked up at me. Her (e/c) eyes looking directly at me.

"And you need friends. You can't shut everyone out, it'll only make you miserable."

She nodded and looked down at her feet.

Then she spoke up, "So what do you want to do?"

I thought about this for a moment. "Be friends ?"

She looked back up at me again. I felt something weird in my stomach.

"But I don't know anything about you."

That was true. All I knew was that her name is (Y/n) and that she's ex Hydra.

"Okay," I said, shifting my body around so that I'm sitting cross legged on her bed. She did the same opposite me. "So tell me something about you."

She smiled faintly. "What is there to know ? I'm an open book."

I shook my head. "Nah not all of that stuff. Likeeee, what's your favourite colour ?"

She thought for a moment. "Green. What's yours?"

"Red," i replied.

She smiled. "Really, I couldn't tell."

I laughed a little. She could be funny when she wanted to be.

"Okayyy, what's your favourite movie?" I asked.

She answered this one straight away. "All the Star Wars ones. I love them."

I looked at her wide eyed. No way. I loved Star Wars. We might actually have things in common.

"Me too! Which movie is your favourite ?"

She looked excited. "Either Return of the Jedi or Revenge of the Sith."

This was shocking. She had good taste. I was really not expecting this.

I laughed a little. "Wow i didn't mark you down as a Star Wars girl."

She sighed with a slight smile. "Maybe there's a lot of things that you don't know about me Peter Parker," she joked.

Then it was her turn to ask me. "What are your parents like?"


That's what they're like.

Another thing we had in common I guess. My parents were dead long enough that I'm not too affected by it anymore, but hers must feel like a fresh wound.

"They're uh, they're dead." I said.

Her face fell. "Oh sh*t I'm so sorry I didn't know."

I reassured her. "It's okay, it's not your fault. Plus they've been dead for a long time so it doesn't really bother me too much."

She nodded, then asked quietly "What were they like?"

I smiled. "They were great. I don't remember that much though. Wait, you can see memories can't you?"


My eyes lit up. "Why don't you see what my parents are like?"

She looked taken aback. "Are you sure?" She asked.

You nodded firmly. "Yes, but only if you show me yours after. Deal?"


White twisted light shot through her palms to my head. I could see all my memories flowing through my head really quickly, until she landed on one.

It was the day my parents had brought me to the zoo. They were laughing and smiling, and I was just excited to be with them. I did really miss them, but I was okay now.

And just like that the memory was over. I was back to looking at (Y/n).

She smiled. "They seemed nice."

"They were. Your turn."

She nodded. "Put your hands out in front of you." I did as I was told.

She placed her palms on top of mine and closed her eyes. I could see white light inbetween our palms, and then suddenly I was brought into her head.

The memories were flying around, I was a glimpse of one from Hydra, her being hit over and over again. It made me angry.

She landed on one. It was her when she was younger and had black hair. Her parents were sitting in a meadow with a blanket, and she was running around.

Everything was warm and bright. Her parents laughter filled my head.

She came back down and sat beside them.

"I love you (Y/n)," her mother said.

She smiled brightly at them. "I love you too."

The memory was over.

Something wet was rolling down my cheek.

I was crying.

I looked up at (Y/n). She was too.

I pulled her into a hug and we stayed like that for a few minutes, just crying about our loss.

While she was on my shoulder, she asked "Friends ?"

I pat her back. "Friends."

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