The intruder

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You woke up the next morning in your own bed.

Tony had made sure you and Peter didn't sleep together that night.

You walked downstairs to get some breakfast.

It was just you and Tony in the kitchen this morning.

He didn't speak to you, and he avoided eye contact.

For the rest of the day, Tony tried not to look at you, and avoid crossing paths with you.

He was being so dramatic about it.

You went back into your room in a sulk when Peter came in.

"Hey," he said.


He leaned against the door frame.

"Dinners gonna be ready in half an hour."

You nodded.

"You okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine it's just Tony has been ignoring me."

He walked closer to you.

"Yeah he's been doing that to me too."

Your eyes looked down, sad, and droopy.

"Do you think everyone else will start ignoring me?"

"What? No no of course they won't ignore you (Y/n)," Peter said reassuringly.

"What about you?"

He placed his hand on your cheek.

"I will never ignore you."

You looked up at him, "Promise?"

He smiled. "Promise."




Three shots fired.

You both ran out into the living area to see what was going on.

Nat was holding her gun to a man on the ground.

There were three bullet holes in the wall behind her.

The man was dressed all in black, with dark brown shaved hair, and bright blue eyes.

The rest of the Avengers made a threatening circle around him.

He simply smiled.

"Who are you?" Steve asked intimidatingly.

The man wouldn't speak.

"I said who are you!"

Yet again, silence.

Tony stepped forward, "Listen princess we don't have all day, who are you and why are you here."

We all looked intently at the man on the ground.

He smiled widely.

"You are too late," he said with a Sokovian accent, "it has already begun."

Suddenly two pairs of hands grabbed your arms from behind, and pulled you back through the window you were standing infront of.

"(Y/N)!!!!" Peter screamed.

The two men who had grabbed you were attached to a wire at the top of the facility, and they lowered themselves and you down using it.

You flailed and thrashed about, trying to break free from their grip.

They threw you into a van that was waiting outside the facility.

Your head was pounding.

"PETER!! NAT!! HELP" you screamed.

An armoured man sat down next to you in the back of the van.

"Hello little one, welcome home."

You gave him a puzzled look and went to to jump on him when a needle hit your neck.

Everything went blurry and your eyes shut close.

Before you passed out, you heard the words "Hail Hydra"

Then you collapsed on the ground.

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