The torture

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Warning: this chapter is pretty violent so i would recommend skipping if violence distresses u!

Your POV -

It had been two days since you were kidnapped and thrown in a cell.

You hadn't eaten or drank anything since.

You lips were cracked and dry, your eyes were heavy, your stomach had stopped rumbling hours ago, now you just felt empty.

Your breathing was slow and laboured.

You hated being awake, it just allowed you to think of the things that are now lost to you, like Peter.

A different man walked up to your cell, he was slightly smaller, but still impressively muscular nonetheless.

"Here," he said, opening the cell door and handing you a bowl of porridge.


You quickly scrambled up to get it.

He handed you a spoon and a cup of water.

"My name is Sergio."

You weren't really listening, too focused on getting the food into you.

He watched you eat.

He looked about late 20s, blonde hair, and steel blue eyes.

You finished your food.

"Good. Come with me."

He led you out of the cell and brought you along the corridor until he stopped outside of a room.

He pushed you into it, quickly following behind.

It was a dim room, there was a chair in the middle, with devices all around it.

There were about six scientists in the room, all scribbling away on their notepads.

Sergio placed you in the chair.

The scientists wrapped wires around your arms and on your temples.

They lowered a sort of helmet over your head.

The sweat was running off of you.

What are they doing to me?

"How long will this take?" Sergio asked.

One of the scientists responded, "We don't know, considering her powers, it may be extremely difficult to do."

Sergio crouched down to your eye level.

"Do it as many times as you have to. I want her to not even recognise herself in the mirror."

The scientist quickly nodded and flipped a lever next to you.

Within seconds you were being electrocuted.

Electricity was pumping into your brain so quick that you didn't even know what was happening.

You let out constant screams.

The pain was unbearable, it was like your brain was on fire.

Sergio smiled.

"I'll be back in an hour."


Peters POV -

Two days, and absolutely no information on where (Y/n) might be.

Everyone was tired and teary eyed.

We had sussed out that it was Hydra who took her, but why?

We didn't know.

Not yet.

Nat was heartbroken, it felt as though she had lost a little sister.

Me and her hugged and cried together, every morning.

I got no sleep at night.

I was terrified of what could be happening to (Y/n).

For once, the Avengers were a mess.

No one knew what to do.

It was a waiting game now.


Your POV -

Your hour of hell was finally over.

Your voice had gone croaky with the amount of screaming that you'd been doing.

And your ears were bleeding from the voltage overload.

Sergio re entered the room.

He looked directly at you, with those cold eyes of his.

"What is your name?"

Why's he asking this? He knows my name.

"(Y/n) Valloria."

He sighed.

"Put her back under."

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