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You squirmed and writhed but nothing would allow you to break from his grip. He was strong and he was tall and he terrified you.

He put his hand over your mouth so you couldn't scream, but you bit it. For that, you got a punch to the head, and you were knocked out.

When you woke up, your head was spinning. You looked down at yourself, you were in a hospital gown. The room was cold and concrete, everytting was grey. The lighting was dim so you couldn't make out much.

Then you heard that voice again. "You're awake," he said with a creepy smile. "What's your name eh?" You hesitated. You were scared and you were alone but you didn't want to be hurt again. "(Y/n) Valloria." He smiled again, I hated that smile. "What a pretty name."

The doctors there ran tests on you for hours. Poking and prodding and sticking you with needles. You put up with it all, terrified of being hurt again.

They placed a tracker in your left arm, and explained to me that if I die the tracker turns off.

A different man came up to you. He was talk and thin, with balding hair. "Come with me, we need you to do something."

You walked down the cold hall, taking in everything around you.

He stopped at a room, it was heavily guarded and the walls were thick. He opened the door and motioned for you to come in. You slowly stepped into the room and immediately noticed a glowing yellow light in the centre.

"When I leave this room, I want you to grab the centre of that light."

What?? You were confused. Why do they want me to do this? You didn't know. But you knew it mustn't be good because the man quickly ran out of the room into a heavily guarded viewing room so he could see you.

You slowly walked up to the light. It was blinding. Hesitantly, you raised your hand and grabbed the centre of it. It felt like a stone.

The pain was overwhelming, but it also felt like a warmth. Your mind was splitting, but you couldn't let go. You looked down at your wrist, and noticed a white light flowing whetr your veins should be.

You glanced into the light again, and saw the silohuette of a woman. It wasn't clear enough to make out who it was though.

Your hair blew into your face, and you noticed that it changed from a deep black, to bright white.

Your hair blew into your face, and you noticed that it changed from a deep black, to bright white

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You were scared and confused and you didn't know what was happening.

Eventually, you let go of the stone, and passed out on the floor.

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