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Your POV -

It had been a week since Christmas Day, and the Avengers were already back training.

Today was fight day again.

You were all assembled in the training room wearing your gear.

"Okay everyone listen up!" Steve shouted. "Here's today's pairings; Nat and (Y/n), Tony and Rhodey, me and Thor again, Clint and Scott, Sam and Wanda, Vision and Wanda, and Peter and Bucky."

Peter was gonna get killed. Bucky had been giving him glares for the past few weeks every time you and Peter talked. You suspected it was his overprotective ness.

You and Nat were first.

"Want me to go easy on you?" She said with a smirk.

"Ha. I'll take you down in two minutes."

She smiled, then punched.

The fight didn't last too long, you had both gotten good punches and moves in there, but Nat eventually won.

She grabbed your hand and helped you up, "Very good (Y/n)."

You both sat back down on the bench. You watched the fights but you didn't really pay attention.

Your mind was wandering to Peters abs, and him putting on your necklace, how his breath was hot on your skin, and his fingers lightly stroked your neck, and how h-

"Peter and Bucky! You're up."

Oh no. You sat forward on the bench, watching closely.

Peter stepped before he punched, resulting in a brutal punch to the gut from Buckys metal arm.

He got a few good kicks in, but Bucky just kept on ramming him in the stomach and the side, over and over again.

It was painful to watch.

Finally, Bucky beat Peter into submission, leaving him bloody and bruised.

"Okay everyone good job, hit the showers and get ready for dinner."

Everyone quickly left, but you went to see how Peter was doing.

"Hey Parker, you good?"

He sat down gingerly on the bench.

"Yeah my stomach is just really sore." He winced.

You lifted up his top to reveal a bunch of bruises and cuts.

"Oh my god. Wait there, I'm gonna get a cloth and some ointment."

You ran to the shelf with medical supplies, and grabbed a disinfectant, some bandaids, and a water bottle.

You ran back to Peter and sat opposite him on the bench.

"Put your arms up."

He slowly lifted his arms above his head and you took his t shirt off.

There were those abs again. You could feel the butterflies return down below, but you clenched to make them go away.

You wet the cloth with water and started dabbing on the cuts around his abs.

"Ouch." He winced again.

"I'm sorry it'll only be for a minute."

You grabbed the rubbing alcohol for disinfectant and poured it on the cloth. You then pressed it against his cut.

"F*ck!" He said and he grabbed onto your thigh.

The feeling in your vagina only intensified.

He turned red, realising what he had done.

Peter Parker x reader | Warmed up Where stories live. Discover now