Chapter 20: Jamie/Therapy

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(6 months later....)

I've been sitting in this hospital for two weeks now and they still can't figure out what's wrong with Isabella.

She had the baby that day when she passed in the elevator. She's absolutely gorgeous. She looks nothing like that Chris fellow.

July 7, at 7:07.

She's got this light brown curly hair and these almond eyes, just like her mother.

Joyce has contacted me one time since we've been here. She asked about Bella and I couldn't lie to her. I just don't lie, lying will get you gutted like a fish in the middle of some dark alley. She was more than excited to know that Isabella was ill. She's a sick, sick woman and needs someone to knock her bloody lights out.

She laughed for at least 20 minutes on the phone when I told her. I eventually hung up on her, knowing she'd beat my ars later.

The doctors said that whatever is in her system while have to pass. She's been in and out the hospital. She keeps coughing up blood and having fevers of 113°. She told me she's got asthma as a result from a car accident a few years ago and has been controlled with no attacks until recently. They think it's a lung infection or cancer of the lungs.

If you looked at her then you'd never guess anything is wrong with her. Even though she's miles away from her son and h-husband, she manages to keep a smile on her face.

"Okay you can go back in". The nurse waved for me to follow her.

"How was it this time"

"The test are taking longer to process this round". I nodded and walked into the room Bella was in.

"Hey guys" she was feeding Jamie in her lap.

"How you feeling?" I sat on the couch that was next to her bed.

"Tired" the nurse put a bottle of orange juice on the tray and headed for the door.

"I'll be back in 2 hours to give you, your meds" Bella nodded her head and the nurse left.

"Damn don't snatch" Jamie laid on her back with the bottle in her hands.

"She was up all night" she laughed and laid on her side with her elbow proping her up so she could hold the bottle.

"How did you get her to sleep?" I laid on the couch and closed my eyes.

"I didn't. She sat up all bloody night playing around with Amanda".

We got Amanda out of bordem. Some lady below us was selling puppy's for $25. Joyce forced us out the Hotel into this high rise apartment in palm jumeirah island. We aren't allowed less than 100 feet from the building. Coincidentally there is a hospital next door.

I'm not allowed to leave her side, so We became close over time. Well... We really had no choice. Jamie can't stay in the hospital with her every time she gets admitted. So Isabella had to trust me with her when she isn't around.

Jamie finished the bottle and she put it on the stand next to the bed.

"Your doctor said you can leave tonight" she smiled at me and let out a sigh of relief.

"But you have an appointment in 2 days for test results-"

"I knew it was to good to be true. What time do I leave? Cause I'm sick of being here" she yelled.

"After she gives you, your medicine".

"Watch Jamie I'm gonna go for a walk".

She sat up slowly and swung her legs out of bed and she fixed the red hospital socks on her feet before standing. She took the IV stand and walked out the room.

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