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Pierre rubbed my feet softly with my feet in his lap as I watched adventure time.

I'm nine months now and everything is falling Into place how I imagined things would be when I got home.

Chris and Jamie are inseparable. And I mean that in a way that Chris took me to court for a custody of Jamie. Which I didn't fight to hard with. He missed four years of her life and he deserves all the time in the world with her. But was unfair is, I only get her on weekends. The judge pointed out that I'm back running my empire and I'm pregnant and he feared that I wouldn't have time for a five year old. I tried to argue against it but he was right. But I get her on holidays and Pierre and I's birthday. Since we share one.

I miss her like crazy but I know she needs her daddy more.

Chris and Kalamazoo broke up since Chris has another baby on the way with another woman named Tia, who he claims he's in love with all of a sudden. He can't stop talking about the baby, they're having a little girl. Who he says he's gonna name Michelle, after the baby on full house. He's a mess.

He says he's glad Kleptomaniac is gone cause now he can focus on being a dad more. He won't tell me what he's doing for work now that he isn't singing like he use to, and the gun shot wound to his leg won't allow him dance. He says him and Sya work together but it's none of my business. Unless it gets my child hurt then it's all my fuckin business.

I still think about CJ but I know I have to let it go. He's gone and I can't bring him back. But me and Pierre are having a little boy. And so is Kira. Well two.... She's got twins this time.

Adam is excited, Yoshi says it's about time they have more kids because she needs someone to boss around, with her badass. She's 12 going on 45. She still creates designs with my team but she's all into modeling now.

I'm really happy with my life.

Joyce knocked me down, chewed me up, spit me out, and almost destroyed my life. She truly showed my where it hurts. But I'm stronger now.

Happier now.

And that's all that I can ask for. Chris and I are probably never going to get back together. Things between us are how things used to be when we were just friends. But only God knows the future and I'm finally putting my life in his hands.

I'm starting a new chapter of my life for the better and I'm proud of myself. Thank you for listening to my story.



The end :)
The ending was low key wack but I've dragged this story out long enough.

Thanks you for reading.

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