chapter 17: pierre/survival

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I was asked to put a picture of Kaleana up...


The police finally came but the men had already escaped. How in the hell did they get out.... when they were just on the fourth floor above us?

The police came and asked us some questions since I was a celebrity in the building. Somebody ass always scared they gone get sued. Like even if I was hurt its not like I'm miles away from a hospital, I'm sitting in one.


They asked me if I'd heard from Stephan and Cole recently. Funny.... I actually haven't. Me and Cole usually go to the arcade, (as childish as it sounds) on Fridays but he never called. They said they hadn't heard from them since they arrested my mom.

Hhhmmmmm.... I I'll look into that...

Good thing we stepped out into the hall to talk, because Kaleana would've had a heart attack. Stephan and her are really close, there attached at the hip as you would say.

I decided not to tell her until they've gotten word from them.

Kira, Yoshi, and Adam had headed back to his room down the hall. All patients had to have a mandatory check up.

The for came flying open with a smack.

Carver came running into the room in his pajamas and hugging us.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay!".

Leana laughed and looked him up and down.

"Why are you in your pajamas?"

He looked down and he laughed.

"I was getting ready for bed and your aunt came running in the bed with mask all over her face. Screaming about the news. And lo and behold, there it was on channel 6. I hopped outta bed and zoomed here as fast as I could. Y'all should've seen me I was going 40 on a 35... I was flying" me and Leana fell out laughing.

"That's pretty fast" Leana said wiping her tears.

"Shoot yeah, felt like I was flying a jet" I shook my head. He is a hot ass mess.

"Doctor carver, you are wanted in the ICU, once again doctor carver you are wanted in the ICU".

He hopped up and headed for the door.

"Duty calls, I'll be sure to page nurse Benson to give you guys your medicine and things". He left out and Vic and Malcolm walked in.

"Hey boss we're about to switch out with Terry and Sean"

I nodded and fanned my hand at them.

"Take the whole next week off, you guys deserve it" they thanked me and closed the door.

A few minutes later the nurse walked in and checked CJ and Kaleana out and gave them their medicine.

"I'm so ready to get out of here and be in my own bed" Leana got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Well waddled to the bathroom.

In 3 more weeks She'll be officially nine months. I can't wit till Jamie gets here she's gonna be beautiful I can tell. I can't believe I'm a dad of two. I still can't believe I have a son!

Speaking of sons he's beating the hell out of this bear.

"Dada I hungry" he stood up on the bed in between my legs with one hand on my shoulder while gripping his bear in the other.

"You always eating, fatty"

"I-i not" he said yelling.

"You are so loud CJ"

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