Chapter 25: Home Sweet Home

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Shortly after I passed out I woke up. Blood just makes me sick till the point of no return.

I laid on Pierre's chest as he rubbed through my hair. CJ hasn't stopped being on my mind. Whatbif he doesn't remember me? Or he hates me because he think I abandoned him. He'd be seven by now on his way to being eight in a few months.

Chris had to stop looking for me. Back in 2012 August alsina came here with Chris for mini tour. Billboards and commercials were everywhere advertising it. The tickets were $36.07 over Here in dubi. In America that's $10 I quickly learned that for every US dollar its worth 3.7 dollars in Dirham. They were having the concert down the street in the arena. I bought myself a front row seat for $10 from this street vender. They didn't even scan it. I didn't know any of the words to his new music but everybody else did.

He wasn't wearing his wedding ring like usually did when he performed. What topped it all off was when he brought some girl name Carrot on the stage. He kissed her. Not like how he would do a fan. But a kiss you give to somebody you love. He introduced her as someone special in his life, who's been there for him when he had no one else.

I had snuck backstage to see him. I even got passed his security.

His dressing room door was cracked and I saw him smiling with her on his lap. He was whispering things in her ear making her laugh.

He was.... Happy.

I had opened the door ready to day something. They had looked up but before I could step in his new security guard grabbed me and threw me out the building.

That didn't end there. I was snatched off and threw into a back of a limo. I looked up and joyce was sitting there all healed up doing her nails across from me. Two men best the shit out of me in the back seat. They tossed me out the limo right in front of the apartment building. Were I slept. The rain was beating down on me and I couldn't even get up. Mr. Hanson the door man found me the next morning.

That's when I have up on Chris. I took my wedding ring off and gave it to Jamie to use when she and Manny play dress up.

Joyce stopped paying the rent there. So I pawned the ring. I got a few thousand for it. But that only last us for a year and a half. That's when we started fixing things and evictions notices came to the door. Me and P stopped eating to save money. Only buying enough at the corner store for Jamie. Were suffering but only for her. We couldn't afford nice clothes for work interviews so no one would hire us. Our neighbor across from us would pay us $10 each to walk her dogs. The lady with two sets of twins next to us paid us $50 dollars to watch her children while she was at work. That's all she could afford. The opera singer on the ninth floor paid me $200 dollars for new dresses for her shows. Pierre helped the landlord fix cable lines and even got himself killed trying to fix a latch on a fire escape on the 13th floor.

Joyce forgot all about Pierre. He would get money in the mail for a check for watching us. They stopped coming in two years ago. It's 2015 now.

We've struggled the whole time we've been here. I told Joyce as a lady of her word. She said she would kill me. She shot me twice in the stomach almost killing me and my baby. She sia dsje would hurt. She sent men to beat my ass. She said she would make my life a living hell and look where she put me. She said she would take Chris from me she did. She said she would pay my loving experiences while I was here and she failed to do that. And now i MUST leave.

"Mommy where are my crayons?!" She yelled from across the hall.

"In the box under your play table!". I said in her voice.

"Okay!" I smiled. What Joyce failed to realize is she didn't take Jamie from me. She is my world.

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