chapter 3: baby makin

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I put Chris on some major probabtion. he walks around moping because I won't give him none. he uses any and every excuse to brush on me. I love teasing him.

I looked over at Chris who was sleep with his lips pouted. I giggled to my self and took a quick shower and curled my hair messily and teased it a little. I walked into the room and quickly dug through my dresser and grab a undwear and bra set he bought me for our anniversary last year but never got to wear .

I threw on one of his shirts that barely covered my ass and headed downstairs to cook breakfast.

(hour later)

Chris's POV

the smell of breakfast woke me up and stretched my hand out patting Kaleana's side of the bed and sat up. I looked down at CJ in sympathy, causing me to shake my head. "I did this to myself" I laid back down and threw a silent temper tantrum thrashing around in anger! if I didn't let my mom walk all over me I wouldn't be in this situation.

stripping out of my buldging boxers carefully so they wouldnt rub against CJ, I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. the water gently falling on me made me wanna bend Kaleana over on this bench in the shower and then-

"ugh", the water turning cold made me loose train of thought. I slipped on some boxers and sweatpants and shakily put on a shirt. I couldn't keep my mind off the thought of Kaleana's body on mine. the sound of her singing along to szas "Babylon" brung a smile to myself.

I walked through the many halls to the kitchen making my jaw hit the floor when I saw her swaying her hips to the beat, with my T-shirt on. she's teasing me!!

"smells good doesn't it?" I hadn't even noticed she turned around. she reached up on the cabinets, making the bottom of the shirt rise exposing her lace panties. I ran to sit in one of the island chairs and bit the inside of my cheek from just telling her I give in.

I tucked my hands under me as she put my plate in front of me slowly. she made hers and sat in front of me with her wild hair. I was clenching the fork so hard trying to keep my hands from shaking that my eggs were slowly falling back onto the plate.

after eating I followed Kaleana back into bed since we had no where to be. she turned on the TV, I couldn't even focus on the adventure time episode. we were cuddling and so far CJ was behaving but she backed up to come closer if possible. I couldn't take it.

I rolled her on her back and ripped the shirt off. she pulled me on top of her and crawled between her legs dry humping slowly. I could hear how wet she was.

I yanked down her underwear as she giggled from my roughness. I scrambled out of my clothes and kissed and sucked all over her. no time foreplay I need her now!

she rubbed her hands up and down my back, I wanted my back to be bleeding when I was done. I rested my forehead in the crook of her neck and rammed in. I was going to fast with long feep strokes. I looked up and she had her head thrown back with her hair everywhere with one hand on her breast the other ripping skin if my back. and I loved it.

she was so wet I was moaning like a damn cat, her shit was so good. so good that it made me shed a tear.


I heard Chris whimper quietly, is this nigga crying? I flipped us over and rocked back and forth.

"ooohhhhh shhiittt" me and Chris said at the same time. his legs started shaking under me. I clenched myself around him.

"ooohhhhh myyyy goooddd" Chris groaned, he pushed me down farther and gripped my hips so he could release in me. I fell forward resting my head on his chest trying to catch my breath.

"damn" he said with his eyes closed and hand over his heart like he fainted, he's so dramatic. I laid back down and grinded my hips slowly.

"oh girlllllllllll, you trynna wear a nigga out" he said in a rachet voice. I giggled and pulled off and seductively walked to are bedroom.....




I woke with Chris sprawled between me with his head on my stomach. he never does that, but I just brushed it off. I ran my hands over his curly blue curls. he went to the hair salon yesterday and decided to do something different. he moved in his sleep and lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach making me laugh.

"what was that for?" he laid his head back down before speaking. "I'm hoping we got a baby baking in there". a smile broke across my face. it could be possible, he never pulled out. my next period is in two weeks, so I'll make a appointment then.

there was a comforting silence until I got an idea "hey why don't we turn my old fabric room into babies room?". Chris jumped up and stood over me doing the nae nae. "I've trying to sneakily empty it for another art room, but this WAAYYY better". I stale faced him and sat up as I watched him twerk to no music. that went for about 20 minutes before I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep since it was only 6 in the morning. until I felt Chris hover over me kissing my neck.

"what" I whined out.

"oh yooouuuu can't go back to sleep"

"and why not" I looked at him like he had two heads.

"cause girl I gotta make sure there's a baby in there". he said as he wiggled his eyebrows pulling the covers over us.

I guess you can guess what happened from there..


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