chapter 4: his mother

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"high five" I fell on the floor looking at the sky printed ceiling.

Chris fell next to me rubbing my stomach. we found out 2 weeks ago that we were going to be parents.


doctor carver walked in with a peice of paper and sat in front of me on a stool and looked between me and

Chris and started crying. he's my uncle and has been my doctor for years. he's my moms brother, he took care of me when my mom was to strung out on crack to even walk straight. Chris and I looked at him funny. I hope this is good news.

"so what's the news".

"your going to have a baby, your two weeks" he jumped up from the stool and kissed my forehead while hugging me tight. I was so shocked I couldn't move. we pulled away and while I was looking at the paper. reading over and over. when I looked at Chris he looked like he was about to faint. I kissed his lips and he gripped my hand.

"okay I need you to lay back and lift your shirt we will look at that baby". he turned the ultrasound on and the lights went off. Chris's grip got tighter and I kissed it. his lip got sweaty something that happened when he was nervous.

"this will be cold". he put the object on my stomach and moved it around.

"there's your baby". I put my hands on my mouth and immediately started crying. "babe look" Chris nodded his head, closed his eyes, fell back fainting and hit his head on a chair. I looked at my uncle and he buzzed a nurse and she rushed in a few minutes later with a gurney.

"a fainter, huh?"  she rolled the gurney down to put Chris on. I nodded my head as they wheeled him out. I couldn't move, to much was happening at once. the door closed and he wiped the gel off. "I'll get the pictures printed, and we'll go check on Chris". I nodded and watch him leave.

Looking down at my stomach and imagined what the baby could be, it was still fairly flat but I know less 9 months from now it'll be huge.

"I'm gonna be a mom again"


I looked over at Chris and he was looking at me.

I pursed my lips to hold in my laugh. "okay I know its funny but damn ever time?" I nodded as I rolled in laughter.  he took off the bandage  and threw it In a empty paint can. its a small cut with a bruise now. my poor baby.

I sat up and looked at what we have done. the walls and ceiling were pastal blue with cute little clouds and the furniture were pastel colors, it looked kind of futuristic, with a white large fuzzy rug to cover the cold hard wood floors. we had empty glass frames waiting to be filled with pictures, it made me cry.

I looked at Chris and he was crying to. wiping my tears, I grabbed the stain glass custom sign and hung it on the nail on the door. Chris closed it and we sat on the floor across from the door in the hall.

"Jamie's room" Chris read outloud. we chose it because its a girls and a boys name, so there would be no argument later.

Chris let out a sigh, and I knew where this was going. "I hope she reacts to this well" I said as I laid my head on his lap. he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. "I know leana. i know.... its just when I go to visit her I have to hide all this excitement I have about the baby! and I just wanna scream out and tell but-".

"she hates me", I said not bothering to hide my tears. I never had a mother really and when mrs brown told me she didn't like me it kind of crushed me.

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