chapter 2: realizing

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(the next day)

I pulled the covers back and looked at his side. still no Chris....

I pulled on a T-shirt and shorts and put my hair in a messy bun, prepared for a long day. I looked at the clock and it was almost eleven, I had a photo shoot at twelve so I grabbed my messenger bag and some sneakers (in media) heading for the for the door. but remembered to grab our phones off the floor to get them replaced.

I hopped in my pastel yellow Volkswagen and headed for the shoot. I hoped Chris would meet Me there since he broke his phone last night, getting pissed just thinking about it I brushed it off, making sure not to bring my attitude with me to work. walking in 10 minutes early with a smile on my face, I sat in the dressing room with my "diva team" as I call them. waiting on Chris. we have a photoshoot for XXL magazine.

we sat for a hour when I realized he wasn't going to show. I looked at my team and they have my the usual look. "sorry guys". I told my assistant to shoot XXL a rescheduling request.

I shook my head to hold back the tears as I walked past paparazzi to my car. driving down streets of California, I stopped in a Wendy's parking lot once I realized they weren't following me anymore and cried..... I feel like I'm being cheated on but instead of some random girl it's his mother.

once I got myself together, I threw on some sunglasses and ordered myself a sweet tea and headed to the some store to fix our phones and headed home, still no sign of Chris. I looked down at my wedding ring and then something caught my eyes. my nails! I've been so wrapped up in Chris and in running my business (a/n: imagine she is the creator of forever 21) that I've forgotten to take care of me. I walked into one of the many downstairs bathrooms and looked at myself. I needed a major fix, I'm surprised Chris hadn't said anything. or maybe he's to busy with his mom to notice.

I got back in my car and headed to the nail salon. getting white stiletto nails, instead of my regular red, but I still got it on my toes. I paid Stacey, who's become my friend over the years and headed to the hair salon. it was time for a change.

there was a shop I passed by everyday and decided to give it a try.

"what can I do for you?" the woman asked as I asked in.

I didn't have a real idea "...... surprise me". she looked at me with excitement and spun me around.

(2 hours later)

"I LOVE IT!" I screamed jumping from the chair. she had made my hair into a curly Bob, a Aztec under cut with a middle part (the hair in media, but imagine it blue). I looked closely and saw my hair also had black roots that faded into a fiery blue. I hugged her so hard. she even did my eyebrows.

"okay that will be "260".... I dug in my wallet and pulled out $500.

"no no no. that's too much" i laughed lightly "you deserve it". she looked at me for a moment and gasped "your-your-your Kaleana!" I giggled and pulled her into another hug. she was the only one working so I assume this is her shop. "do you mined if I take a picture of you and your shop? people should know about your business?" her jaw dropped and she nodded. we went outside and took the picture and I posted it on Instagram and tagged her. "Toyas salon" the sign read. she cried forever, and finally gave me her business card so I can make a follow up appointment.

once I got home, I saw one of Chris's car in the drive way. I rushed inside and saw Chris on the phone I kissed his cheek waiting for a compliment and he didn't even notice my presence. I frowned and sat my bag down going to the fridge and pulled out a bowl of watermelon and sat on the island watching him. then I heard her voice through the phone. I swallowed my feelings and waited for him to finish.

he hung up and grabbed his car keys. "I'll be back" he said not even looking at me. the front door closed.

"thanks for the compliment on my hair and nails Chris". I grabbed the fruit and sat down on the couch. until I felt little licks on my feet.

"stop guys" I said in a giggle. I looked down at diamond and cheif ( or aka x). "maybe you guys are the only babies I need right now". they jumped on the couch and they laid by my sides as I watched zoey 101.

i looked at the dogs sleeping peacefully. imagining what it would be like with two kids. I shook the off the memory of Chris's mom busting in our room like we were two kids in highschool being caught in bed. I was sick of her doing this to me. so I woke up diamond and x and we walked down to her house. I noticed another car the driveway besides Chris's and Mrs. Brown's. I knocked but no one answered but I heard laughing. I knocked a couple times with no answer and just entered, even though I wish I didn't.

Chris was sitting with a woman who was sitting a little to close for me. they looked like they were in deep conversation giggling with each other. Mrs Brown stood in the kitchen doorway giving me a evil smirk. x ran his puppy ass to Chris as diamond growled next to me. I slammed the door so hard the glass in the door cracked, causing Chris and the mystery girl to look my way. he looked like he seen a ghost.

"the whole time I thought you were over here helping plan Hayden's birthday party or helping out with your mom's crazy request. instead you're over here talking to another women. don't you see she's trying to wean you out of my life so you'll leave me for someone that she thinks is good enough for her. I can't believe you".

"Kaleana look-" he started.

"I've seen enough! I've been trying to get your attention I even got my hair cut and died and this crazy color and nothing's working! and to think we were going to have a baby on the way, now I'm glad your mom busted in the room". Chris's eyes widened in shock.

"come on chief". he walked away from Chris not before biting his ass and running toward me as Chris limped behind us. I opened the door and the dogs walked out. and then this time I made sure I knocked that door off the frame. I walked down the street holding strong until I made it home safely. I locked my bedroom door before I stripped from my clothes and laid in bed with the only two things I need in my life cuddled beside me.

(3 AM)

"Kaleana open the door please baby". Chris has been knocking on our bedroom door for the past 30 minutes. I pulled on my robe and stood in front of double doors and listened to Chris's cries. "baby you know I wouldn't hurt you after all we been through! I finally spoke up and stood up for our relationship! I didn't see that my mom was trying to push me into another woman's arms pleassseee baby I swear. I love you so much. I can't have you mad at me. I want you to have this baby. I want real kids and not the two furry niggas ones we got now". I giggled quietly as the boys barked at the door.

"pleassseee open the door Lea". I sat on the floor thinking for a moment. I stood and opened the door and he sat on the other side of the hallway with his head in his hands, not even knowing I was there. I leaned on the doorframe.

"did you really mean that" I asked as I wiped my eyes. he looked up and nodded. I sat on his lap straddling him, wiping his tears. "I forgive you".

"thank you. thank you. tthhaaannkkkkkkkk yooouuuu" he says while planting kisses on my face.

"but I think you owe our "babies" an apology". be looked past me and patted the floor. diamond came running and jumped in between us, kissing his face. X hid behind me and looked down. "I'm sorry" Chris said in a baby voice and x ran into his arms knocking us over.

"ooohhhhh and one more thing". chris looked at me confused. "what is it?". "you are allowed in the bed but no touchey". his jaw hit the floor. "you serious?!". "as a heart attack". I waked into the room and dropped the robe. Chris shakily walked into the room and got down to his boxers.

I fluffed two pillows and pulled them between us. "babe? you serious?" I giggled and closed my eyes. "goodnight Christopher".

he might be on my good for now, but I feel like that's about to change...


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