Chapter 21: Just Breath

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"Okay we have your test results back".

I sat up in bed giving her my full attention.

I coughed sharply and grabbed a tissue for my bed stand. I lifted the mask from my mouth and spit out the blood that came up. I threw it in the trash can with the many other balled up tissues that piled in there.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and took a breath from exhaustion. The symptoms are really taking a toll on me. And they told me this morning I can't be around Jamie, in fear I could pass it to her.

"Okay so what is it?" I could feel my hands becoming sweaty. I don't know what I would do if I have lung cancer? But what I won't do is give up.

She flipped through the clipboard making me anxious.

"It says here you have.... A lung infection". I studied in relief and silently thanked God "This needs to be treated immediately, we don't need anymore fluid in your lungs, because that could send you body into shock. Then you'll have the feeling of drowing abs ultimately you will. We have alerted your family and they should be on their way. We need to get you down the hall to do a CAT scan of your chest now".

I nodded and laid back on the bed. When she said alerted your family I was excited for a millisecond, but I knew she was talking about Pierre and Jamie. At this point they're all I have.

Three more nurses came in and pulled my bed out the room. I enjoyed the ride as they ran down the hall quickly. They slid me through these double doors and into another hall and made a sharp turn into this dark glass room.

They pulled on silver vests, with goggles, and helped me from the bed.

"Okay Mrs. Brown we need you to get on this bed and lay perfectly still for me". I got up on the cold white plastic layung perfectly still.

"Okay we're going to slide you in this tunnel here and a red lazed will scan you. I would recommend you close yours eyes so I doesn't blind you for a second". I nodded in understanding and felt the bed move slowly inside the tunnel. I closed my eyes and heard a buzzing noise around me, this warm feeling over me a couple times, that must be the lazer.

"Okay all set" I opened my eyes again and the bed slid backwards so I could get out.

A young male nurse helped me back into my original bed. He looked at me suspiciously that made me worry instantly. Once I was on fully they pulled me back to my room and I waited for the nurse to come in again.

I laid on my side and faced the door waiting. She came back in with a smile on her face.

"I know we said you could leave tonight, but your results won't be back until the day after tomorrow. What we recommend is that you try not to speak loudly and don't take the oxygen tubes from your nose because those are vital to your recovery. We need to do a Bronchoscopy to look inside your lungs. But we'll discuss these things in the morning. Do you need anything before I go and bring you your medicine? Are you hungry or anything?"

"Can you bring me another orange juice please?" She nodded and left the room.

As tired as I am from being here. I want to get better for my baby. I would die if Jamie caught this.

I adjusted my iv cord to get comfortable and the nurse cake back in with my medicine and my orange juice.

"Okay here you go. Now if the coughing gets worse and there is a huge amount of blood, don't be afraid to buzz. Please try to get done rest for me".

"I will. Thank you so much"

"Your welcome" she smiled and closed my door on her way out.

I weakly opened the bottle and took a sip before put l putting the three pills in my mouth.

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