chapter 10: choices

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I rubbed LC's back trying to quite him down. he was in pain and he was crying hysterically and Joyce wasn't back with some medicine yet. the boy just got his arm cut off and she's giving him children's asprin for the pain. she locked us down her and I have to be at work in 20 minutes. one if my patients is giving birth and I can't be late for that.

I wish I could go back in time and never agree to this, I wish I would've chosen death, rather than to sit here and watch this baby suffer. I know my wife and daughter would understand one day, that I would've died for them.

suddenly the door opened and Joyce walked in, cigarette burning.

LC coughed hard like he was going to bring up a lung, he's got asthma and shouldn't be shouldn't be around this.

"here I got the brat something stronger" she tossed a vile and a needle at me.

" oxycotton ?" he's 2 not 32!

I only drew out the medicine to fill the needle. I stuck it in his leg slowly and in seconds he stopped crying and laid on my chest breathing in shaky breaths.

I sighed in relief rubbing his back so he wouldn't have a asthma attack. "it's okay buddy"

"I need you to watch him for a week, I'm going out of town" she said kicking off her heels sitting in on a chair across the room.

"I can't bring him to the house, Kira is already talking about divorcing my ass because I'm doing this. she's already packing her and my daughter's things talking about moving back to Korea. your ruining my life. i should've picked death.... please just.... just give him back to them, he's suffering Joyce, this boy is dying. this is your grandson. think about it, it's like having Chris all over again. think about it". I said trying to convince her.

she looked like Satan in a Versace sweater. she took LC from me almost dropping him. she looked down at him with a disgusting smile.

"he is cute isn't he?" she kissed his cheek and he weakly wiggled from her dropping to the floor runnig to me.

"I'll give them back on one condition. you take him to their house give them a choice, she divorces my son lives far away with that bastard child she's pregnant with now and the boy lives. OR! they stay together I kill the boy, or i sell him to some Cubans for child laboring and we act like the fucker didn't exist. you have till Monday to make the choice". that's two days from now.

I looked down at my watch.

"I have to go" she picked him aggressively by his arm making him whine.

"I'll call you for your decision" I nodded and walked to the steps and I heard him screaming.

"shut up" I heard a loud smack and he was quite. I ran out the house and into my car getting myself together.

I unbuttoned my shirt and snatched the wires from my chest. after I deliver this baby I'm heading straight to the precinct to give Stephan this recording.


just a filler....


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