chapter 15: Joyce- part 2

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A/N: before some of your start shifting bricks, I know what Chris's sister looks like so don't leave comments like "that's not her name" or "that's not what she looks like". Okay? Got it? Good! On with the story......


I did as chris asked, and now My mom was out with Vinny my security guard to get "ice cream".

Currently chris was telling me what she's done since the beginning and I'm bout to stomp a mud hole in her ass.

"She did what?!....Your son!.....A nephew?!.... Chris why-...... Drown?...... Oh my God............ She liked your baby?... She planned the accident?! Is Leana okay?!..... Yeah she-....... No!..... I don't believe this! Or you!........ HIS ARM?! HOW?!..... Chris.. You better not be lieing to me.....  O-ohh okay.... I won't.... Love you too... Bye." I hung up the phone and felt like throwing up, but anger took over.

I can't believe I have a nephew, I can't believe she'd tried to kill him. I can't believe she would- no. No. No. She couldn't- but why would Chris lie?

I stood up and put my phone in my shorts pocket and collected myself before walking out one of the bedrooms.

Everyone was having a good time but that's about to get cut short.

I text Vinny to give me 20 more minutes, to get everyone out.

I stepped out the slidding doors to the backyard and found Daniel who was helping the catering people with the cake.

"Baby I gotta present in the car, would you mind helping me?" Daniel nodded his head saying someing to the cake people. He grabbed my hand walking with me to the front of the house quickly.

"What's wrong?" He asked moving a stray hair out my face.

I pursed my lips together and grabbed both his hands before telling him what Chris told me.

"Joyce did all that?!" He said in a angry whisper.

I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Um we gotta cut this party short. His actual birthday isn't till Wednesday anyway".

I nodded in agreement.

I pulled him to the backyard with me to break the news.

I walked up the the DJ stand and made him stop the music so I could speak.

I tapped the mic and everyone looked my way. "Hey guys. Um we've a littttllleee tint problem.... There's been a family emergency and we've got to cut this shin dig short. We all know his actually birthday is Wednesday so we'll send every single one of you some type of message for rescheduling. So you get to see him open your gifts. Thanks for coming. If it's needed I will be more than happy to reimburse you for gas money and hotel expenses. Please take a piece of cake with you on your way out".

No one asked questions they kissed Hayden, got their shit and bounced.


After everyone left, I made a call to my trap house and asked them bring me a few supplies. I got traps everywhere they don't call me Queenie for nothing. I run a lot of Shit since Chris left me his business.

Minutes later my lil crew came over and set the basement up. I got somethig for her ass. I don't take child abuse very lightly, and Chris just put the cherry on top with what she did to my lil nephew.

Me and my mom were never close, she used to drop me off at her boyfriends house sometimes and watch as he did whatever he wanted with me. I just found God not to long ago and stopped most of the things I did. But she bout to have me convert back to old habits.

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