chapter 16: men on the loose

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I stood breathing heavy over a bloody Joyce. She's not dead I just beat her ass till she passed out. she's okay, well- she's not, she's- you get what I'm trynna say. She's beat up but she's unconscious, not dead.... Okay anyways...

I called the clean up crew and had them clean her up the best they could, and to bring her back to the warehouse. It's about 8 at night and I need to go visit Leana at the hospital.

I watched the boys clean the basement back to how it was and wrapped Joyce like a mummy and stuffed her in a large suitcase.

Mission complete.

I hopped in my red on red Mercedes and took the long 45 minute drive to the hospital. Well i was doing 60 on 35 so it was about 27 minutes for me.

Once I got there I parked in the handicap parking space, not worrying about getting a ticket later.

I walked into the hospital and headed towards the front desk.

I walked up and didn't see anybody till I heard light snores. I looked over the desk and saw the nurse was sleep. I reached over and grabbed a visitors sticker from the stack and filled it out myself. I stuck it on my shirt and called Chris.

"Hey sis"

"Hey, what room are you in?"

"Uh, 307"

"I'm on my way"

I hung up and nodded to passing nurses with a smile, playing cool. I turned my head a little to see a nurse waking up the one at the front desk, saying something to her and point at me.

"Hey you can't be in here!.... Ma'am!"

I could hear her running from behind me.

I calmly pushed the up button and the doors slid open. I heard and pushed the close door sign and she ran up right when it closed.

I knew they wouldn't believe me if I said I was Chris's sister anyways. Soooo, why not take it into my own hands.

I made it to the third floor and was greeted by walls covered in painted butterflies and kids running around in their hospital gowns.

Now I miss Hayden.

I walked around till I found the room and spotted security guards at the door.

"Hey Malcolm"

He looked down at me and smiled.

"Hey meek" he opened the for for me and all eyes landed on me.

"MEEKAAAA!" they all sreamed smiling.

Chris ran and jumped on me, tackling me to he floor.

"I. Missed. You. So. Much" chris said kissing me all over my face.

"Your... crushing.... me" I said patting his back.

"Oh... sorry" he helped me up and I instantly ran and hugged everybody.

"Hey guys" I sat on the bed with Leana and kissed her cheek.

"Hey babe" she said smiling at me, running her belly.

I looked over a Chris and he was now holding a little boy in his arms walking over to me.

My eyes widened and I opened my arms as he put him there.

"He's soooo cute" I ran my fingers in his hair and looked at Leana and she was smiling down at him.

He moved a little and opened one eye and closed it, making me laugh.

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