Chapter 22: getting it together

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I paced the waiting room rocking Jamie to sleep. I was beyond tired but she was fussy and crying up a storm. I fed her and changed her at least 4 times. I knew she wanted Bella but she was in the middle of the Bronchoscopy right now and I hope they can get the fluids out her lungs.

If she dies- no let me stop before I freak myself out.

I know Joyce had something to do with this bloody shit. She is a evil ass woman who I would gladly scalp with my bare hands.

Her nurse came out, snathing me back to reality.

"Mr. Sager-"

"Please call me Pierre."

"Well Pierre she's not looking to good right now but you should spend the most time with her. Maybe it'll take her mind off things". I felt the need to cry but I'm not going to work myself up. She said right now. In the morning things could be different. Right?

She handed me two masks and we followed behind her.

I slipped the tiny mask over Jamie's nose and mouth before I did the same to myself.

We walked down the hall and I saw them wheeling out a bed with a body on it. But the bed sheets were over the face. I covered Jamie's eyes as they rolled passed.

I did a silent prayer for that person before we made it to the room.

"She has a dry erase board since she's unable to talk right now". I nodded to let her know I heard her before she opened the door.

Bella looked over and a weak smile spread on her gorgeous face. She was pale and her hair was in one of those messy buns as she calls it. She looked 10 pounds lighter from the last I seen her and she had a oxygen mask on her face. She coughed real hard and lifted the mask to wipe her mouth. There was blood on the tissue which she didn't bother to hide anymore.

"Bell you don't look so good" she grabbed the board and wrote on it.

I don't feel good either.

"Is she allowed to hold Jamie?" The nurse gave us a sad luck.

"I don't want to say this harshly. But even being in the same room with you Mrs. Brown is bad enough". Bella wiped her face as tears slowly fell from her eyes.

"I'll give you guys some time". I nodded and sat on the couch with Jamie in my lap.

She wrote on the board roughly and then flipped it to me.

I wanna go home.

"I know you do". She began sobbing really hard. Why does this have to happening to her and not me.

I gently laid Jamie in her carrier and handed her one of the toys from her diaper baby.

I got into bed with her and she laid her head on my chest.

"Look Isabella you are going to get better, so you can come back to that apartment with us. Amanda misses you and hell I'm tired of making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches". She smiled and I wiped her tears.

Isabella can't die. She just can't. I'll be left on this bloody island with Jamie. She'll be motherless and I don't want that for her. Joyce has taken this way to far.


"Now today is the big day you get this brace removed. Nervous?" My doctor said coming in the room. We shook hands before I got on the hospital bed.

"Yeah I kinda was using as a crutch. I dont wanna leave here feeling confident and go back to using it because I'm used to it." He nodded and wrote some stuff down.

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