chapter 7: insight

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"YOU WHAT?" my mother screamed. I reached across the tables and pushed her shoulders down so she would sit back. we were at a Starbuck's in a ducked off booth, just in case of paparazzi. and I had just broke the news to my mother.

"mom I can't do this with you any longer. we had a doctors appointment for the baby yesterday and Kaleana's blood pressure and stress levels are high. and I know it's not from work or me it's from you. I don't want too loose another baby because you wanna kill the mother. why are you doing this it her? she's never done anything to hurt you! I love that woman me and her barely got into arguments until this whole baby situation. don't you love me. don't you want me happy? we can't lose another baby, I refuse" she looked at me blankly.

before me and Leana got married we had too do a lot of planning of course. on the way to the cake tasting we were stopped at red light when a all black semi came flying at us. hitting us on her side. when I woke up at the hospital with three fractured ribs and a broken arm and leg I found out the accident was a hit and run. the officers said there was no sign off struggle to stop from the other vehicle meaning it was on purpose. Kaleana was in a coma for a week. she was on a oxygen system because she couldn't breath on her own she had a broken rib on her right side, which had punctured her lung, her leg was fractured in three places, a  broken hand, and to top it off a concussion. there was lack of  oxygen to the baby, causing a miscarriage. when she woke up she cried for months it seemed. she almost lost her company and I almost got suspension with no pay from my label. she fully recovered in the hospital but was left with bad asthma.

one morning she woke up, left the house early in the morning and came back late at night with a new hair style, manicure, and shopping bags. ever since that day she acted like it never happened, that was 2 years ago and her eyes still don't shine the same.

I shook my head from my thoughts and it felt like I was zoned out for a while. I looked over at my mother, she seemed unfazed by what I said.

she's frustrating me "seriously mom I can't do this anymore with you. I'm not loosing this one, I can't" I was crying at this point, I didn't hesitate to let them fall.

"talk to me dammit" I yelled as I slammed my hands on the table making things jump. she laughed wickedly, it was scaring me. I leaned so into the seat and hurriedly texted my bodyguard Jared to bring the car.

I got up from the booth and ran out of the building to the car dodging the questions and flashing lights. I rubbed my temples roughly once inside. "can you just take me home, you can have the rest of the day off". "alright" Jared responded from the front seat. I closed my eyes for awhile until I got a text:

MY WIFEbaby come home!!! I miss you

ME: I'm omw baby

the drive home breezed by and Jared punched in the entrance code and the large massive steal gates slid open and he drove up the long drive way. I hopped out the truck before waving bye to Jared. I opened the door and scurried around the house to find my ninja costume. I grabbed the light saber from one of the hall closets. I crept through the halls and made it to the game room, the theater, every room. ooohhhhh she's good! I ninja rolled into our bedroom, where is she. I gave up, I pulled off my ninja mask and sat on the living room couch.

I heard a sneeze from somewhere. I pulled my mask back on and turned the the light saber back on. A shadow dodged across the room and into the kitchen, I tip toed in the brightly lit room. I was checking in the oven when I felt something behind me. I turned around and there she was I ran after her and threw her over my shoulder and upstairs to our room. "damn your good" I kissed all over her and led her to the slower to helped get into some comfortable clothes.

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