chuuves - money

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recommended song:
              money by the drums



homeless is the person who i love and the person who she loves.

no roof to sleep nor family to go. doesn't matter. i don't care, i don't need them.

all i need to live this whole life of mine is jiwoo, she's all i need.

and of course money.

we basically sleep everynight in different places, like old building's rooftop, the park, or sometimes inside a café though we didn't even order anything but our favorite sleeping place is the rooftop.

it's a good life, really.

"i already told you to stop fighting with those teenagers!" she yelled, seeing my cut in the arms after going back home– uh no, not home, to the rooftop.


"how did you even get that?!" she yelled again, pinching my waist.


"ha sooyoung! do you wanna die?!" i chuckled.

"no! of course not! just let me tell you the whole fucking story!" i yelled back, she shut her mouth and just stared at me, finally willing to listen.

"okay" i cleared my throat, "i already stop fighting with those teens, okay? and i got this because hyunjin accidentally swung her knife towards my arms. are we okay now?"

"that stray cat, aish" i laughed.

what more could i wish? she's already the life i was dreaming of. that night, when she asked if i wanna die, my answer should be yes but damn, how could i nod when dying means leaving her?

i wanna give her everything but i don't have any money, even a fucking penny. i have nothing but her.

yes, i do have a work. a temporary work which ends every fucking day.

i feel shit, she deserve the things i couldn't afford.

thanks to 2jin, they're treating us like their siblings and would always provide us our needs. no they're not rich, they're just like us but they have an illegal work which we didn't even wanna know.

"hey?" i tapped jiwoo's shoulder while walking around the city. it's night, midnight to be exact. people have gone into their dreamlands and we're here.

"yep? wanna get in trouble again?" we giggled, gives me flashbacks when i asked her to throw some stones into every windows.

we got yelled at and a kid even threatened us he will call the cops but who is he kidding.

"well, if you wanna join me?" i asked jiwoo back, she smirked and i took that as a yes.

"so? what kind trouble are we gonna get ourselves into?" i pointed a motor, we looked at each other and smiled.

we scanned the area where the motorcycle was parked and luckily there's no one around.

we pushed the motor away from its original surface so the sound would be inaudible for the owner if ever they hears it.

there's no key so i just grabbed a wire on the ground and starts doing the illegal work to make the motor start without any key.

of course it works.

jiwoo and i rode it, with me, as the driver and her on the back. after i started the engine, i whispered, "don't worry, we'll return to whoever your owner was"

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