chuuves - at the end, we begin

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"yves? the sun's already setting, you have to be home" i couldn't care less. jinsoul could tell me if it's already midnight and i'll still choose to stay where she lays.

where she lays.

in here, i will stay. i will touch all of the little things i have carved in my soul that reminds me of her palm, breathe, laughs, and all that she has. if given a chance, i would give all of me to see her eyes until i lose sight of whatever life is.

"it's not your fault, yves. are you sure you wanna stay here?" kimlip asked, i just gave a cold shoulder. staring at jiwoo's tombstone already is an answer. "make sure you go home safe, be careful" i don't have to look, i know they have left as long as i heard their car being driven away.

sitting down with my arms wrapped around my knees, there i felt my tears dropping one by one. i haven't cried the whole day until now. she's the only thing i have, the only one i want to remember every morning and night. none of these tears could define the feeling of losing something all at once.

i don't know how, but in every lifetime, life itself would bring me back to you.

it's all so damn heavy and loud. the whispers inside my goddamn head are just so hard to ignore. how the fuck did i ended up like this. why do soft people always have to suffer?

i didn't know how i'm suddenly holding different kind of pills in my palm and a glass of water on the other while basically pouring all my shits or my so called tears.

chuu. think. chuu.

"god please stop" i begged, closing my palm where the pills gathered and starts knocking it on my head, convincing myself i'll be okay. "it's okay, it's okay" i smiled in between all my hitching and sobbing. all that i have right now is myself but do i even need myself?

dude you useless as fuck.

"fuck no" i shut my eyes even tighter. is there something even awaiting for me?

"hey! hey! lovey!" a smile on yves's lips grew even more wider while shaking her wife's shoulder who's still in their bed even after morning had passed. "it's already lunch time, my love"


"what mmm?" yves laughed. "c'mon, wake up little chicken"

"five minutesss" chuu replied in a sleepy tone, like a baby. yves couldn't adore this moment more. "hug" chuu opened her left eye and widened her arms, inviting her lover for an embrace.

"no uh, get your ass up first. the chickens are waiting for you outside"

"yves?!!! you haven't fed the chickens?!!!" within a millisecond, the sleepy baby basically woke the fuck up and hurriedly sat up.

while yves, looking at the awoken lady just laughed. "love," she paused. "c'mon wake up, we'll go to the city. i already fed the chickens" chuu then slapped her wife on arms.

"why did i even agree on your proposal"

"oh because i'm hot?" yves raised her eyebrow. "now go and do your shits so we could come home early." planting a small kiss on chuu's head and hugging her for a second, she headed out of the
room and starts preparing for her own things.

yves, after packing up some things they will be needing for going into the city just sat inside their car and waited for chuu.

she looks outside and thought how the life they're living still feels like a dream. to build a house in the mountain with the person she wants to be with. just by thinking about the idea of the simple things in life though she's already living it.

after a few minutes, chuu already came to sit beside yves inside the car and when everything's settled, they made their way to their destination which leads to something unexpected.


"WOOOOAHH!" how dangerous it is to handle a vehicle with alcohol running through your entire body. my vision is so fucking cloudy. and this is so fun, i couldn't stop laughing, if i die then i will. who else would care.

my driving is still stable but my visions aren't, the last thing i saw was a very very blinding lights from a truck going my way.

it was blinding. my body went numb. i was alive. that was the last things i could remember before the absence of pure light invaded my surroundings.


"nurse! shit she's awake! kimlip call someone!"

"oh my god jiwoo thank goodness you're alive! what the fuck have you done"

"just call the nurses!"

my eyes haven't even blink yet since it opened and that's what welcomed my whole existence. how did i end up here? the last thing i could remember i was just in my kitchen.

i feel so weak, i feel like i just came from somewhere familiar but i can't recall anything. i just feel tired.

"chuu?" i saw the worried face of jinsoul standing beside my hospital bed, "thank god you're fucking alive. fuck you jiwoo" she chuckled which made me too.

"thank yo–"

"BITCH!" then you all know what happened. i was scolded by kimlip before the nurse could even talk to me.

i couldn't be more bored than now. jinsoul and kimlip have their own business to do, leaving me all alone in my room. to be honest, i feel like a burden to them but they always make me feel like i'm important. if it wasn't for me, i might not be here today.

it's been awhile since the day i have woke up but i'm still taking medications shit so i couldn't go home yet.

instead of losing my mind inside this plain room, i got off the bed and made my way inside my room. i don't know which floor am i located in. i'm just walking wherever my feet leads me to.

and it led me to the coffee machine.

i'm lazy to go back in my room to grab money. i guess i'll try to borrow. aside from me, there's also a woman in a wheelchair just chilling with her coffee beside the machine. i don't know what's hotter– excuse

"do you need anything?" and i was left speechless when she spoke. i think she got into an accident. it was obvious from her bandages. she still look attractive. "miss?"

"ah. can i... you know i, i forgot my money and i..." i wasn't even finish yet when she handed me a card.

"just use it, don't need to give the money back" with a smile, she ended her words. fuck.

"i'm chuu"


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