wollimz - paperworks

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for ParkManWol_ :>>

these days i have been busy with all of my paperworks and we haven't met each other but we're still communicating through phone so i thought it's gonna be alright.

i'm on my my way now into chaewon's apartment after nako spilled chaewon has been calling her and telling her she is stressed so nako suggested i should visit my girlfriend.

she's making me worried.

it's almost late at night but i couldn't care less, my paperworks were already done so i don't need to think about that either.

after knocking too many times into her apartment's door, it finally opened.

none of us spoke but my arms automatically wrapped itself around her and she casually snuggled her head against my shoulder.

i hummed as i brushed my curled fingers back and fort against her hair, "i brought something, mint choco"

chaewon looked up, eyes sparkling from hearing her favorite words. mint choco.

we removed our bodies against each other and i showed her the plastic with ice creams on it.

she might be needing this.


"i called nako just one time and i don't know what did she tell you but atleast you're here" chaewon stated, feeding herself a spoonful of her favorite ice cream, not hesitating to look and smile at me.

"why didn't you call me instead?"

"you have so many things to do, i am sorry" she looked at me once again, sincerity and guilt was all over her voice.

i hate how she has to be sorry for telling me how she feels, "don't be sorry, hmm? i might be busy but i want you to know i am always here for you, chae" i assured, wanting her to know my thoughts.

she didn't speak but i felt her nod against my shoulder and a hand against mine.

"i miss playing, can we play?" my baby suggested, pulling her head from my shoulder and meaningfully smiled.

"what about your paperworks? i can just help you do it"

"no, it's fine" chaewon stood up, still with her ice cream. "i can't waste this night, please i wanna play with you"

"alright, i'll sleep here so what should we play?"

i felt the excitement through her entire body when she launched herself unto me. and so the whole night, all we did was to play, talk, flirt and i am more happy to see her smiling like this.


– chaewon

the sun hasn't been fully out but i am already making my coffee, it's a good thing though because i could make something for eunbi.

she stayed with me the whole night and i wanted to give her what she deserves to get in the morning, her favorite dish.

i am not so good at cooking but i am still gonna try. i then prepared all the ingredients and cooked silently.

i also prepared my unanswered paperworks at the table as i wait for the food to be cooked.

when it's done, i couldn't tell if it was good but i think it is.

i waited for her to wake up as i was silently answering my paperworks. two and a half has passed and i felt a kiss placed by her lips ontop of my head.

"morning" she greeted, taking a seat beside me and happily scooped a spoon on our breakfast to put on her plate.

"easy, easy" i laughed, seeing how she is so excited to eat. "i have eaten, just enjoy yourself and don't mind me"

"i will help you with that later, i am just so hungry" eunbi giggled and begun putting foods inside her mouth as i was still answering.

she looks really cute so taking a picture secretly wouldn't hurt.

i couldn't help but to feel thankful that i have someone beside me, she never fails to make me feel safe and comforted. but i also want her to know that if she'll always be there, then so am i for her.

when she announced she's already finished and after putting her plate above the sink, "give me some paperworks" she asked immediately though she's still chewing, just how cute. i wanted to disagree but since she asked, i said yes.

last night, all we did was to play but this morning, we finished my paperworks which is a very good thing because we could already spend our time together.

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