juri x dahyun - girlfriend

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sobs was all you can hear at dahyun's room and that's coming from her one and only bestfriend, juri.

sighing, dahyun rubs the older's back. she knew this would happen, always. and she hates it, she's done with this.

seeing juri cry because of a damn boy. "he's not the only boy in the world, baby" said her, comforting the girl.

"he's the one!" yelled the older.

dahyun just sighed instead of laughing her ass out. she even mocked those three words mentally. "that's so cliché, you're not a freaking hopeless romantic character in a movie" how dahyun wanted to say that. but knowing her? she's soft and couldn't hurt the younger even more.

"listen here, if a boy hurt you once again, don't even think twice to date a girl" said the younger, the crying girl chuckled.

dahyun smiled, finally, the girl made a different noise not just only sobs.

"what about you? i never saw you with somebody?"

"y'know what? juri unnie? because i'm always with you though your mind was filled with your boyfriend" joked dahyun which made juri remember her bastard boyfriend again.

how many boyfriend did she got? three. no, she's not a flirt. she just wants love. and guess what, the destiny won't give it to her. as a matter of fact it already arrived, she's just too blinded. i think you already know who am i pointing at. yes, it's dahyun.

but too bad the younger doesn't care about being in love with her bestfriend, she doesn't care about her feelings. all she wanted was to see the girl happy.

cliché and awful.


four months later...



"hey hey hey slow down, no one's chasing you" said dahyun when her bestfriend launched herself into her, embracing the younger.

"i'm gonna introduce–"

"got a new boyfriend? eh?" juri nodded. dahyun's mood dropped all at once yet she have no choice but to fake the happiness for her bestfriend. dahyun knew, she always knew. "no offense, unnie. i still need to finish a project–" as she was just about to get out of the frame– juri pinched her cheeks.

"yeonhee said you already finished that project. c'mon don't be jealous~ don't be~ dahyuuun" juri teased.

"i'm not a bee"

"nice joke, hon. but please, i want you to meet him first and tell me if he's okay to y–"

"he's not okay to me" dahyun calmly said and grabbed a gum from her pocket then gave it to juri. "again– no offense. he'll gonna hurt you too, he's a gum. sweet at first then in just a blink of an eye... you know? the sweetness will fade away"

"whoa whoa,, chill there"

"i am"

"then why i could feel your head boiling in anger?" juri giggled, she's right though.

"yeah because–"

"point taken, i'd still date him"

"fuck you, unnie"

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