jiyoo - ballroom dance

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LifeCha, you might not remember why i mentioned you because of how long it was already been kjsksjks i apologize for that. so here's the one-shot to heal your broken heart :)

btw belated happy new year y'all !!!


red lips. red dress. red wine.

ask jiu how would she describe this lady from afar and that's the answer you'd get. in fact there's a million ways to describe her, jiu was just obsessed with red and refuses to say the other million compliments.

30 minutes before the ballroom dance starts, guests are slowly crowding the room and to avoid crowded spot, she left where she was sitting at and took the advantage of it to come closer to the girl. just three seats apart.

"any drinks, ma'am?" the bartender behind the counter asked, looking at jiu.

"just wine, your best wine. thank you"

while waiting, she had nothing else to do but to stare at the girl. not just too long because she might get caught.

"here ma'am, enjoy" the bartender named siyeon smiled. despite not knowing this girl, jiu smiled back.

jiu drank the wine and cleared her throat to at least start a conversation when the girl stood up and went somewhere else.

"you've fallen head over heels huh, don't worry she'll comeback" out of a sudden, the bartender, siyeon stated. she knew what the gay is going on.

"there's no way i could deny that"

siyeon leaned at the counter, becoming more interested in the newly make conversation. "so? what would you do?"

"i don't know? i'll l ask her to dance maybe?"

"yeah yeah you must" they nodded and introduced themselves at each other. and as expected, siyeon as a talkative woman told jiu the name of the girl.

yoohyeon arrived and the ballroom dance starts. as very usual, romantic-c songs were playing in the background. jiu was glancing at siyeon, asking her what the hell should she do since yoohyeon hasn't leave her seat yet.

siyeon signalled jiu to tapped her shoulder but jiu refuses, "why?!" siyeon accidentally asked out loud. thankfully, not too many people noticed that. "i mean– there's nothing to worry about? so why?"

"i-i don't– holy fuck?" jiu's eyes got widened at the fucking scene in front her.

"yeah holy fuck. do you know who that bitch is?" siyeon also looked at the two girls, talking. "how the hell did happen so quick?"

"she's sua, you're not actually mistaken when you said she's a bitch. gosh what should i fucking do?"

"you want it, you got it. go starts the move, i'm already burning inside to see you guys kissing" jiu took a deep breathe, getting ready. "i'm not an highschool student, why am i nervous?" she asked herself and there, she entered yoohyeon and sua's scene.

"hey there jiu" sua greeted and smirked at jiu

"hitting on random stranger again, sua?" jiu raised an eyebrow. yoohyeon kept herself mute and just watched these two girls eye each other. "go there and flirt with the bartender, she's beautiful" jiu pointed siyeon then gazed at clueless yoohyeon, "oh and you're beautiful too"

the tallest still couldn't speak.

"woah miss minji, i'm just helping her find her friend, right yoohyeon? and aren't you the one who's hitting on her now?" jiu chuckled with boiling blood.

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