viseul - first memory

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i suggest listening to
everyday by jimmy brown
while reading :>>


"unnie... haseul unnie" i hummed at the probably sleepy voice who shook me up, "where is vivi unnie?"

for the second time, i hummed irritably. not yet registering all the reasons behind this suddenly waking me up session.

"she's missing, unnie" said yeojin and when finally hit by realization, my eyes opened itself abruptly and looked at yeojin's worried eyes.

"have you checked the bathroom?" she nodded.

without any thoughts, i pulled myself out of the bed and told yeojin to just sleep. it's too late at night and she can't be missing around so i've gotta find that woman.

i checked all the rooms and confirmed, she's nowhere. i need to go outside which will never be a problem because i wanna assume she's just chilling herself beside the beach.

once i stepped out of our house, everything that welcomed me was the cold atmosphere and the sound of sea waves.

but that didn't bother me, all that did was the thought of what she's going through. will she remember everything already?

i went to look for her at the seashore and i know it wasn't gonna be a mistake.

"early morning," she greeted, looking up with a drowsy smile and waited for me to sit with her in the sand. "i think i'd rather be here than to remember everything" she started, still looking at me.

i'm coward at making eye contact yet what her eye contained was deeper than any sea and it made me wanna feel it's depth.

"you can't say that"

"excluding you and yeojin, i don't think there's somebody who really cares about me" she stated.

"you won't know that either" i chuckled but i am serious though.

"do you wanna bang your head and let's see if you remember everything?" i jokingly asked that caused her to laugh.

"do you wanna drown?" she asked back and i said why the hell not, there's the sea, why wouldn't i agree?

so in one swift motion, all that was left in the sand where we sat was our slippers and sweaters.

"if both of us catch a cold, i would blame you more than me" vivi threatened, ahuh.

"you asked for this, madam"

"and you agreed" she grinned before she lowered her body down the sea until it was just her neck exposed to the air. along with her excited laugh, even her hair floats.

i don't know but the way she enjoys herself makes me wonder if she felt cold? because i can't even reach the lower part of the sea.

"oi! you wanna swim?!" she asked not far from where i was standing up.

though i am cold, i nodded and went to her spot.

it was cold when what can the waves reach was only my waist but as i went to expose all my skin to the sea, it went warm.

i doubt that it was her hand who held mine that made the temperature warm, it can't be.

the very first time i held it, it was cold– and the second time which was now, was warm despite the cold surroundings.

"are you cold?" she asked the obvious.

"kinda" i answered, voice trembling as i gripped on her fingers tighter. and it's not just 'kinda' because i'm so so cold right now.

"seems not like it" she chuckled, letting go of my shaky hands and went behind me. she didn't say anything, just slid her hands from my waist to my stomach. i felt the warmth of her hands and i feel like i'm under's somebody's comfort when in fact she's the one who needs comfort.

our first meeting didn't start with a hug or maybe it was– but it's more like her bleeding head was sitting ontop of my frozed legs with my hands holding hers as yeojin calls for an ambulance.

it was hit and run. a very stupid case and it was also so stupid of us to not take a picture of the plate no. of the car.

the ambulance did arrive though and immediately took us to the hospital. we did not know who to call as there was no registered number on her phone so i just agreed on being her guardian for the mean time.

i didn't expect her to have amnesia so that '"mean time" becomes longer and i have no problem about that. especially yeojin, she even said, "yaaay! i'm having a new sister!"

her clothes isn't a problem either, for she was actually carrying a luggage even before the accident happened.

so i guess she was running away? or did she just arrive at the country? i don't know.

"i don't belong in your memory" i accidentally whispered.

"you do, haseul"


"you do now" vivi chuckled and playfully lifted me up. i screamed, we almost lost our balance and if lucky enough– maybe drowned.

"i still have to see yeojin marry her crush! don't kill me yet!" i screamed once again while she just laughed and finally let go of my body.

"that bubbly girl who used to have a purple hair?" i nodded. it was too obvious that yeojin likes choerry and i don't know but i think choerry likes her too.


"i hope you could attend the wedding as well"

"of course" vivi smiled. "even after all the memories comes back. you worry too much, we're gonna be okay"

she's right, we're gonna be okay.

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