ssambbang - yes

281 10 5

AhnMinJin :)

- hitomi

"holyy" i let out a frustrated sighed, letting my head fall ontop of my arms, resting so stressed in the steering wheel.

did my car just run out of gasoline? aishhh... lucky me i managed to parked in the sidewalk.

i grabbed my phone and tried to contact chaeyeon unnie, she immediately picked the phone up and i told her the problem.

"okay, wait for me there"

and i felt relieved, when she said she'd always be there, she'll meant it.

i entertained myself with playing games while waiting for her. playing music is a must.

when a car stopped infront of mine, i was assuming it was chaeyeon unnie but... that's not her car? nor sakura?

i had my eyes widened when she went outside the car, she's holding something, a container filled with gas and with glasses, fine pants paired with leather jacket. she looks so good "o my god, kim chaewon"

behind her, was chaeyeon and sakura unnie, wearing their smirks.

i chuckled painfully, what does my suitor has to do with this?

she took off her glasses when she got to my window, she knocked into my door, i opened it for her.

and she opened the whole door for me, i just got out.

"why is this girl doing there?" i asked chaeyeon unnie, glaring at chaewon who's just grinning ear to ear.

"she overheard it and girl, she's just so inlove with you" i cringed.

oh really?

"where are you going?" sakura unnie asked,

"was just about to go home"

"oh that's good" said chaewon, still smiling like what the hell did she eat? she's so happy. and what's good?

"yes it's good. now go away and we'll take care of hitomi's car" said chaeyeon unnie and i got confused.


"i'm taking you for a date. please i don't wanna go home hearing your pretty voice saying 'no'- repeatedly" this girl-

"just make this romantic girl your own already, hiichan" sakura unnie stated, okay i'm in a game where i know i am the prey so of course i said yes- not practically to her- it's for the date.

sakura and chaeyeon unnie was left at my car, filling it's tank while i was in a front seat of chaewon's moving car.

"what time is it?" i asked. she looked unto her phone and said,

"quart to six-"

"and where are you taking me?"

"do you have a place in mind? because i do" she take a look at me, not taking off her sweet smile off her lips.

"then take me there" i smiled since hers was too quick to spread, i got infected. i mean it's pretty rude not to smile, eh?

the whole ride we were just vibing to the song she's playing, it wasn't awkward, well- what was awkward was she's giggling without a reason. not awkward, it's creepy.

i don't really know where would she take me because she keeps on taking turns and i guess... we're going home?

"thanks for the ride" said i, not too close of being sarcastic.

"i-i'm sorry?" she apologized.


"i don't really have a place in mind-" i don't know how to react, i just pinched her arms.

"playing cool huh?" i smirked at her, "aigooooo"

"oh come on! at least i took for a ride"

"i was just kidding, let's just go home" i grinned at her so she could not misunderstand me as mad, that was so cute but also stupid of her- but her outfit, a waste. "you're cute you know"

she hid her grin but it's damn obvious.

so she took me home, without even going somewhere else. but yeah she's right, at least she took me for a ride.

"i'm gonna get inside my house now, what are you doing?" i asked when she's still on her feet, not going away yet.

"i'm coming with you, let's go?" i was again, confused but said yes.

when we got in, i was more than confused- i am amused. what the fuck is this?

"kim chaewon" i glared at her after looking at the table with foods,wine and a rose on a plate. "did you-"

"yes hehe, i asked the group to prepare it" she got a wide, unsure smile. i did as well. "let's take a seat" she guided me to the table in the middle of my living room, we sat there.

"did you cook this? or???"

"i did, i just asked them to preheat it so for you, it would be so good" wow... i am speechless.

"now this is the date!" she excitingly exclaimed, raising her fork and swayed her arms. i giggled at the sight, she's so cute omg.

just like the ride earlier, we just eat, featuring her giggling. she's already acting like a girlfriend of mine, how am i supposed to reject this?

"kim chaewon, you wouldn't go home hearing a 'no', repeatedly anymore"


"it's a yes now"

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