annyeongz - cupid's a joker

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some might say it is gift, some might say it is a curse. all i know is i didn't ask for this– to be able to see if two persons were meant to live and die by each other by the similarity of the color that glows in their pulse and when it climbs up the veins if they're having skin contact. ew.

what a great way to announce i have astigmatism.

when i'm in a crowd, it's too confusing who's for who because of the overwhelming color but one thing's for sure, i've never seen the shade black.


i think i did once.

it was my classmate in highschool, i'm so confused i never see any glow in him until one day, the first ever day, i saw dark glow pulsating in his pulse. too late to know he was gonna die.

that's what scares me, because i couldn't see what color do i have.

"what do you see now?" here we go again, one of the reasons i regret spilling this tea. "c'mon, pink? blue? ? we're glowing in the veins, right?" rei, my adopted sister continuously asks while holding liz's hands, her girlfriend.

as much as i want them to be together, their color says otherwise.

"yours green, hers red. not a single change, just stay together and maybe prove me wrong" i smiled, genuinely that might seem sarcastic.

"don't ever look at me again with that creepy face" she rolled her eyes and pulled liz away from my front towards the door. "are you coming outside or rotting inside? don't miss the first fall of snow tonight!"

i grabbed my red scarf and wore my coat. i probably will see couples that have different colors but that's not what i will be coming outside for.

the snow hasn't arrive yet but the wind, even calm, is too cold to be handling with only t-shirt.

we don't even know if the snow is really falling tonight but we'll be seeing that in the town plaza.

"we should have pizza while we wait" spoke liz as we were walking in the sidewalk, them leading the way and me just behind, spotting colors like playing candy crush.

"is that your ex's tradition?"

"when did i have an ex?"

is this what teenage love is?

"maybe the reason you're different in colors is your attitude, sis." i commented.

"it was a joke!" she exclaimed, liz just accepted it and moved on. probably avoiding some fight because tonight is special.

"look the fuck out!" i yelled unexpectedly when a motorcycle overpasses rei, almost hitting her. "if that turns black in a second, i'd hate you for it"

"chill chill, how long since your last incident of black?"

"long time a ago, thank god for that"

minutes of passing through many vehicles and establishments, we arrived at the plaza and immediately took a seat inside a pizza house.

"hello, ma'am! what can i get for you?" a cashier cheerfully welcomed me, the unfated couple awaits in our seats.

"one overload, regular" i gave a small smile, her color is red and i hope i'm not thinking what i'm thinking.

"coming your seat, ma'am. that would be 6,000 won"

after paying for it, i immediately went to sit with them and scrolled through my phone. it will probably take lots of minutes.

"i bet snow will come first" liz started, something to talk while we kill time.

she was wrong.

too bad they both bet on the same side so i won which means they gotta pay the money i contributed.

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