satzu - one coffee, one kiss

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chErryOntOp048, i also apologize for taking the one-shots too long to be publish ksjksjksj i apologize once again because it's not that too cute but it's still fluff :)


how often does this girl sana named "coffee girl" goes to the coffee shop she owns? every friday night. every freaking friday night since the last four months.

the time isn't a thing to think about. it's perfect. sana's anytime shift and coffee girl's schedule in doing a job sana had no clue about are perfectly on line.

a little interaction between the two happened two months ago when coffee girl accidentally fell asleep at her table. tho sana wants the girl to enjoy her nap she has to wake her up. she can't just close the coffee shop and leave the girl there.

sana has no favoritism, the girl just gives her feelings, feelings she thought she already felt a long time ago.

you might think she's a creep just by the way she looks at the girl's lips everytime, but she just can't help. who can't even resist such soft-looking lips.

grabbing a chair to sit on behind the counter, sana picked her phone up and tapped the song she wants to play at the speaker.

from energetic to chilly.

it was 10 in the evening, and as usual, coffee girl was sitting at her spot. eyes glued to her screen, fingers still typing, tired. she's been here since 7 for damn sake.

sana's work was hard but after seeing the girl, she believes that coffee girl's job was harder than any harder job.she wonders, why can't she just leave the job and find something easier?

a sighed escaped her mouth as she chooses to changed the genre of song into rock since she noticed coffee girl was kinda sleepy. a little help to make her somehow alive.

"sana unnieee!! you're waking the dead again!" chaeyoung slapped sana's arms and snatched the phone to bring back the previous genre.

"chaeyoung! you're making me sleepy!"

"the costumers are distracted" chaeyoung pointed the costumers one by one and also counted them. they're thirteen.

"ugh fine" sana gave up. she just wants to help but she also doesn't want to be selfish.

"why don't you take a rest?"

"i'm not tired"

"yeah right"


another friday night for sana to watch coffee girl drown herself at work again.

"one coffee please, don't add–"

"yes, ma'am. i won't add much sugar" said sana, not looking at her not-so favorite costumer as she writes her order.

meanwhile, coffee girl softly smiled. it's been a long time since someone made her blushed.

"thank you" with that, she left, sat down at her table, opened her laptop and starts typing again and again while waiting for her coffee to arrive.

"chaeyoung, what do you think is her job?" sana asked and pointed the girl. chaeyoung shrugged and answered, "dunno. maybe she's a writer? business woman?" sana gave her small nods and continued to make the coffee for her and suddenly blushed.

"hey i have a question"

"what is it?"

"why do you always blush when making coffee? especially every friday?" chaeyoung asked out of curiosity. this just bugs her everytime her boss blushes just because of making coffee.

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