Chapter 24

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Yongsun's P.O.V

I looked back and I can see shadows trying to get me while I am running towards the woods. The scene is very unfamiliar but I am trying my best to keep up my pace. I am going to be shortly out of breath but I'm afraid that the shadows will get me. My left foot hurts like hell and I can see blood on my white dress, my long wavy hair flowing against the wind. I can hear my heart pounding against my chest and it feels like it is burning, air slowly being sucked out of me. 

"Solar! Come back here!"

I can hear a man's voice through the distance, probably one of the shadows after me, shouted. I really cannot see his face as I can't make myself look back once more, afraid that I would stumble and fall. The voice though, seems familiar. Deep, thundering voice, sweet yet dangerous.

I don't know what came over me but I looked back once more and all I see is the shadow's arms enveloping me from behind. I fell and I hugged myself from fear, my eyes slowly closing as the darkness envelopes me. 


I can feel my body being shaken and I tried to open my eyes but it's so heavy that I can't. I slowly felt my body being lifted by someone with strong slender arms but I don't know who it is. The smell from her body, smells like lavender, make me relax and sleepy. 

A deep delicate voice called my name. A woman's voice. My heart skipped a beat and I am not sure why. I tried to snuggled more in her arms to get the warmth it's giving, trying to get the most out of the pleasure her body is giving. 

Suddenly, my heart jolted in pain and I opened my eyes to see Moonbyul's face, her eyes staring at me. Her forehead covered in swet, eyes full of worry. What happened?

I couldn't really tell what she's trying to say as everything sounds like a blur. All I know is I am feeling pain in my chest and I can't breathe. I tried to reach out to Moonbyul, but strength left my whole body. 

Third party's P.O.V

1900's is the era of elites where people who are poor are being sold out as slaves, being traded from family to family. Luckily enough, three kids who are laying under a shade of the big tree, backs laying on the ground, are from elite to middle class family. Not caring about the real world yet, laughing at the most silliest things. 

One of the kids has a boy cut with bunny smile with chocolate brown eyes that feels like it's digging deep in your soul, called out the name of the two younger girls, who are busy playing with the butterflies, flying over their heads. 

"Soojung-ah. Don't kill the butterfiles, okay? They are precious little souls who guides us."

The little girl named Soojung, with eyes as cold as eyes, but smile warmer as the sun, responded with a timid okay, before letting go of the butterfly she caught with her small hands. 

She looked over to her other side to see how the other little girl, younger than her but older than Soojung, is doing. She smiled softly as she see her pretty face, small dimples showing on the corner of her mouth while she giggled happily, her arms extending in the air while laying down. 

"Your smile are like the ray of the sun. That might be the reason why your name is Solar."

She murmured and the girl, with long black wavy hair stared back at her with her deep chocolate brown eyes. The little mole on the side of her right eye can be seen from her point of view. "Eh? Then maybe the reason why your name is Moonbyul is due to you shining like a moon on this dark part of my world."

The girl with a boy cut named such blushed and scratch her nose on the process, a mannerism she got. She really admire how Solar has a way with words, making her look smart from a very young age. 

The three girls, laughed happily enjoying the view of the sun slowly going towards the horizon, to the farthest part of the lake, never really thinking that a day will come that their lives will change drastically from that point on. 

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