Chapter 25

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Third Party's P.O.V

A tall and slimmed ten year old boy is running through the dimmed hallway with her fist curled up into a ball. Huffing in anger, he brushed his hair backwards and grabbed it angrily as he pushed the door using his other hand. He gritted his teeth as he walked up to his father and shrieked.

"Father! What happened! I thought you said that you'll make it work for me and Solar? Why is she not here?"

The old man he called as father didn't even bother to look up to his own child as he continue to do his work behind his desk. The boy who is frustrated for not getting his answer suddenly slammed his fist on the table finally making his father look at him under his small spectacles.

"I clearly remember telling you that I will definitely make Solar as yours. Hence, she became part of my experiment."

Baffled with what his father said, he asked with a small voice, "What do you mean, father?"

The old man put his pen down and clasped his hands together seemingly in deep thought. "I am grateful for bringing him to me, son. Without her, my experiment couldn't be as successful."

Doctor Phillip, a renowned doctor and scientist started his research about time travel. For the past 11 years, he failed with the experiment and many lives have been taken away. The family of those who went into his trap of doing the deadly research have tried to find justice but to no avail as the family of the researcher is well known and powerful.

"Solar has her own life blood vessel which hold the past, present and future loops. She is the one we have been looking and thanks to you, I am able to finish my research. My son, you can have hers in all different timelines. Isn't that amazing? Using science and my intelligence, I was able to prove my theory of space and time! Now, those who went against me will definitely lose their mind. They won't call me the crazy doctor!"

The young boy's father laughed maniacally, his son quivering in fear as he slide down on his own knees. He can't believe that his father would kill other people just to satisfy his desire to fill up his ego in finishing the project. He cried as he crawled on the floor to the door.

It took him more than ten minutes before he got up and wiped away his tears. He walked back to the hallway and went into his father's lab. There, he saw the love of his life, the girl he always watched playing with her other two friends. The little girl he oh so want to protect.

His mind went back to the time when he first met his first love. He was casually walking on the side of the street when a little girl bumped into him, her long dark hair slapped him in the face comically. He stared down at the little girl on his arms and was awed when their eyes met. Beautiful dark brown orbs staring at his own.

The little girl suddenly broke free from his arms and he suddenly felt cold breeze brushed up his skin. He watched as the girl went behind another boy with bunny teeth like her protector. A sudden feel of annoyance filled his chest as he apologized for bumping into the girl fully aware that it's not even his fault.

"I apologize for bumping into you. I hope you can take my little offering as a token.", he reached out his hand to the girl with sweets on his palm. The little girl looked up to her protector as if asking for permission.

"You may take it if you want to, Solar." The boy assured and smiled at her, receiving the same smile.

He is annoyed since he wasn't able to get the same even with the little gift he offered. This is the first time he felt like he is nobody when in fact, he is the son of the most wealthiest family in the whole city.

Nevertheless, he still want the little girl named Solar to like her and he went out his way to meet with her friends to belong. From then on, they would play together during his free time after school.

Eric, the young boy, wiped his tears as his mind went back on the present. He gritted his teeth as he walked in front of the capsule where Solar is incubated. Long dark locks waving and is peacefully sleeping, unknown on what is happening on the real world.

"I'm so sorry, Solar. I didn't mean to hurt you this way. I promise, I will make everything back to normal. I will not let you go."

With that, the young boy, walked into one of the capsules and allow himself to submerge on the water inside, with a mission on his mind. To save her.

I never meant to hurt you, Solar. I just want you to be mine. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

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