Chapter 10

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Yongsun's P.O.V

"Please say something."

I blinked my eyes, still wasn't able to grasp the truth that Moonbyul have told me.

That guy is her fiance?

I have lots of questions going on into my mind right now. And I cannot believe that it is actually happening now.

"What do you mean he's your fiance? If that bunny looking guy is your fiance, then what about Eric? Isn't he your lover? So that means you're a cheater conniving bitch?!"

I yelled at her raising my own voice. I just cannot stop myself from acting this way I don't even know why. I think maybe the fact that Eric cheated on me with this woman, and this woman cheated on Eric as well made my blood boil. She's a cheater and will always will be. I hate it. I hate this feeling.

I felt like crying at this moment but I stopped myself. I felt tlso betrayed to think that I almost give her all of the trust that I have. Thinking that she could be a true friend. A friend that I can count on. But no, she disappointed me. I hate that I felt like... She has this power over my emotions.

I stared at her tears almost prickling through my eyes. Her features hardened at my outburst her jaw tightening in an instant.


I stopped her.

With a slap.

"I almost trusted you!"

I shouted. She just stared at the floor probably ashamed of what she did.

She reached for my hands but I stop it by slapping her hand away.

"I thought you could be my friend Byul. I almost believe everything you have told me. And I really don't understand this situation ylthat you and Eruc have put me through! Is this just a game for both of you?! Am I just a play thing for you?!"

I sobbed punching her shoulders and arms, really not caring if I hurt her. She grabbed me by the waist spinning me towards her just like what she always do to calm me down.

She held me protectively in her arms our faces almost just inches apart.

"Yongsun. Please stop. Let me explain."

I can't look at her eyes because if I do I know I will forgive her instantly. Yes, that's how much she has controlled over me.

"What I mean to say is, if not for Eric, Minhyuk will be my fiance. Technically he is still my fiance. It's just that my parents doesn't know about my affair with Eric that is why they thought that it is okay to make an arrange marriage between me and Minhyuk."

I looked at her eyes to see if she's lying or not. Her chocolate brown eyes, so hypnotizing. It's like they are drawing me towards them. I can almost see my own reflection. Almost instantly my own eyes traveled down to her lips.

I wonder how those soft plump lips would taste like.

I gulped when I can feel the the minty breath from her lips.

I tilted my head to finalky close the gap when suddenly..

The front door opened.

I jumped almost two feet away from Moonbyul, my cheeks burning red. I glance at her and she's also as flustered as I am.

I looked at the front door and my eyes widened in surprise.


I can't believe my eyes.

"Yongsun. How are you? I missed you."


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