Chapter 11

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Yongsun's P.O.V


I let out with a small voice. I look at him still not believing that he's here. In front of me.

I felt something shift to my side and I look at the thin but muscular arms circled around my waist.

I look up to see Moonbyul's eyes glistening. It seems like she wanted to say something yet she can't. But why can't she.

I finally tore my eyes away from her when I heard a soft thud. Eric placed his bag on the floor waiting for me to wrap my arms around him. Moonbyul's grip tightened and I almost gasp at the contact.

But I removed Moonbyul's arms from me, rather harshly though.

I ran to Eric. Hug him.

I missed him so much.

But why does it feels so wrong.

"I missed you Yongsun. You don't know how much I've missed you."

I just look at Eric a small smile on my lips. I tried to listen to whatever he was telling me and even nod at some occassions. We are on the stairs now walking to our room when I decided to turn my head around to look at Moonbyul.

I widened my eyes and like in a snap I just wanna go back to her arms and just hug her.

Because, Moonbyul is crying. Her pain is visible and I can't help but let out a sigh.

I shouldn't feel like this.

She's crying because Eric is with you. Nothing else. I kept telling myself that.

I tore my gaze away from her. My focus and attention now on Eric.

Moonbyul's P.O.V

I walk aimlessly for almost four hours straight thinking about what happened earlier.

I was so happy with Yongsun when Eric was gone. And now that he is here, my chances with her is now gone back to zero.

I should have followed Minhyuk oppa's advice. I should've tell the truth to Yongsu before it gets too late.

Minhyuk was my best friend since middle school. We were always mistaken as twins since we have almost the same face and voice. But ofcourse, we were only friends and nothing more than that.

Minhyuk's parents were very religious and will always pressure Minhyuk to get married. To me. My parents agreed not knowing that their daughter is gay.

And so is Minhyuk. Yep, Minhyuk is gay and actually in a relationship with this guy from our college. They have been together and still going strong up to now.

Minhyuk and I decided to just go with our parents' wishes and thankfully his boyfriend understood that.

And now, I'm here all alone at 7/11 crying my fucking eyes out.

What did I do to deserve this shits.

I sighed and sniffed. I felt a hand on my right shoulder and I flinched while looking up at the owner. I looked at the girl confused. She has big eyes and a shy smile plastered on her lips. And she looked just like..

"Hi. I saw you crying. I'm sorry if I disturb you."

I smiled a little. " Ah. No it's okay."

She smiled widely. Okay. I think I'm really hallucinating. Why is she here?

"That's a relief. You know what, whatever your problems might be, just remember that there is always someone who loves and wants to take care of you."

I look at her baffled with what she just said.

She laughed at my reaction, pinching my cheeks.

"Ah you're so cute. "

"How old are you?", I asked. Clearky she's just probably in high school.

"I'm 20. Turning 21 this next month. "

I nodded. "Oh. We almost have the same birthday. Thanks for the uh- comfort by the way."

Way too smooth Byulyi. Nice.

She laughed. And I froze. They almost even have the same laugh. Wtf?!

"What's your name by the way?"

She grinned showing me her two cute dimples at the corner of her mouth.

"I'm Sowon. Kim Sowon."

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