Chapter 4

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Kim Yongsun's P.O.V

The next morning I woke up a little bit early to cook breakfast for Moonbyul. Don't get me wrong. I still hate the girl but if I want my plan of ridding Moonbyul out of our lives I need to do something for her to open up to me.

1st step is to make her open up to me as a friend. Ugh, I wanna gagged at the thought. After washing up I went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed some ingredients for Tteokbokki I grinned. No, I'm not gonna poison her or anything, though, it actually crossed my mind. But I'm not that cruel so I shook that off of my mind.

After I finished cooking, a few minutes later, Moonbyul appeared with her white tank top and shorts showing off some skin and she has freaking abs. I heard a low cough causing my head to jerk up to face a smirking Moonbyul.

"Like what you see?", she said smirking at me and I rolled my eyes.

I scoffed "In your dreams Moon!"

I crossed my arms as she squinted her eyes towards the table sniffing in the process. "Oh my, is that Tteokbokki?", she asked and I could see some drool on the corner of her mouth she gulped and I grinned.

"Well, I cooked that for the both of us. Do you want to eat now?", I asked and she nodded her head furiously and she sat in front of me and scooped a spoonful of tteokbokki ut stopped eventually while she looked back and forth from me and to the spoon she's holding eyeing me suspiciously. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop whatever you're thinking. I didn't put any poison on that."

She gulped but she ate the food nonetheless. I saw her chew the food and somehow I felt nervous and anxious. Maybe because this is the first time I cooked for someone and I felt nervous for some reason. I mean, she should like it right for me to be able to get close to her.

I cleared my throat looking at her expectantly. She swallowed the food then smiled at me her nose muscles showing. Not her regular smirk but it's the first genuine smile I've seen from her.

"It taste good Miss Yongsun. Thank you for the food", she said smiling again and went back from eating.

I sighed realizing that I've been holding my breath for some time relief washed over my nervousness.

After some time, she ate all the food on her plate then drank a whole glass of water after that. "Oh, thank you for not poisoning me...", she mumbled the last part so I didn't hear it.

"No big deal!", I said grinning feeling proud of myself.

Then, there's an awkward pause between the two of us and she coughed a little bit to ease the tension. "So, what's the sudden change?", she asked.

"Nothing. I just felt that maybe we should start fresh and atleast be civil with each other until Eric comes back from his trip. And I think that I'm going to get crazy if I..."

"Oh-hoh! You're going crazy for me?", Moonbyul said cutting me off showing her perfect white teeth.

I squinted my eyes glaring at her. "No, that's clearly not what I meant!"

She leaned back from her chair still staring at me with those brown orbs. "Then, what do you mean?", she asked.

I rolled my eyes. "What I meant was I'm going crazy because Eric didn't even contacted me eversince he left and I'm actually getting worried.", I said truthfully.

I looked at her and she just stared back at me her lips forming in a straight thin line her face looking as expressionless as ever.

I clenched my fist. "Don't you miss him too? You and Eric is having an affair right in front of my eyes so..", I stopped myself from continuing what I had to say for it will just end up in an argument and that could ruin my plan on getting close to her.

"No.", she replied nonchantly which made me gasp.

"What do you mean? How did you two even met?", I asked curiously.

She sighed. "Long story."

I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

She smirked."Tell me how did you and Eric meet? And what does it felt like?"

I smiled softly as I started to reminisce the time when Eric and I first met. "It felt magical."

But then, sadness crept on my face. "And I can't believe that he cheated on me. And he even let his mistress live with me.", I said not caring if she sees me in a situation like this.

"You really love him don't you?", she said looking down. I nodded.

She sighed. " Then maybe I don't stand a chance anymore."

I looked at her surprised. Does this mean that she's giving up on my husband? Wow that was fast I thought. "I- I don't know. It's up to Eric if he will choose me or you when he comes back. I honestly don't know. I my husband cheated on me with you then maybe he saw something in you that I don't have.", I said looking at my lap.

When I looked at her again she opened her mouth like she wanted to say something but fought against it. And as I thought that she will walk out on me, she stood up from her seat then leaned towards me and said."You wanna grab some Ice cream?"

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