Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Kim Yongsun's P.O.V

"That's weird. Why would she ask you to to go out?", Hwasa asked from the other line as I was busy fumbling through my closet.

"I don't know Hwasa. But I could sense that she's plotting something. ", I said through the phone and smiled a bit as I found a white floral dress.

"Then maybe you should be more cautious around her. Maybe she's taking you out for consoling you or something. Maybe this is some kind of a bribe."

I stopped examining the dress in front of the mirror. "You think so?"

"I don't know. But maybe it's more safe if you just decline her offer."

I sighed. " But what is the danger of getting some Ice cream with her. Besides she already said that she doesn't stand a chance with Eric anymore. I think she's already giving up."

I heard Hwasa gasped from the other line. "Oh my God! Did she really? Wow, I didn't expect her to be that easy. I mean I'm actually expecting a little catfight between the two of you to be honest."

I laughed at Hwasa's comment." Maybe she's not that bad afterall."

"So, oplan getting rid of Eric's Mistress is now a no-no?". I frowned.

"No, I'm still sticking to the plan. I can't afford losing Eric so I must get her heart atleast for her to leave us alone. I should make her feel guilty."

"Oh. Determined huh? I like that.", Hwasa said which earned a laugh from me.

"Whatever Hwasa. I better get going now. Call you later!"

"Yeah, goodluck on your little date!", she said befor hanging up on me.

I frowned. "Tsk. This is not date!" I screamed through the phone even though I know that Hwasa was not there anymore. I rolled my eyes. If Eric was just here. I sighed.

Moonbyul's P.O.V

"Don't you dare Moon Byul Yi! She is my wife!"

I sighed. Eric is in panic when I told him that I'm taking Yongsun out with me for ice cream. I rolled my eyes at his reaction. What's the harm in eating a delicious ice cream? Besides, my stomach has been tumbling eversince I hate the tteokbokki that Yongsun made for me. It is a little bit salty, ah no, it's definitely salty and I thought I would die in that very moment thankfully she didn't notice. I kind of regretted eating the whole of it though I would probably feel bad if I didn't. However the fact that she thought that I liked it made her smile and that makes me happy in some way.

If Eric was just being a good husband then maybe Yongsun will be even more happy though it hurts me even if I just think about it.

If I've known that Eric's wife is Yongsun then maybe I would never be in this situation. But yes, it's too late already.

"Eric, you're overreacting. I would never do anything bad to her. Jut chill your balls will you. If you actually have one.", I said muttering the last part. I pinched the bridge of my nose frustrated at the person I'm talking to.

"I'm warning you Moonbyul. Don't get too close to my wife. I swear to God!"

"Whatever Eric. Stop being so dramatic. Why don't you just tell your parents the truth? Maybe it would set you free.", I said scoffing at my own lame joke.

"Just don't Moonbyul. I love her too much I just can't lose her."

I frowned not really liking the hate that I am feeling right now. "Whatever. I gotta go now. Bye."

I hanged up sighing. I ran my fingers through my blonde locks.

"Yah! What's taking you so long?", I heard Yongsun shouted behind the door.

"Nothing. I'm coming out.", I said then opened the door.

I silently gasped as I looked at the woman in front of me. Yongsun is wearing a white floral dress and black flipflops. Her long brown hair is down she's wearing a light make-up with red lipstick that accentuated her heart shaped lips. Oh my, control Moon!

I noticed her eyes traveled from my long legs to my abdomen. Guess I'm not the only one who is in awe. I smirked putting my hand on my hip. " You ready?"

She immediately snapped out from her daze and I chuckled as I saw a little blush that crept on her cheeks. She glared at me then said. " Yah! Come on now and get me my ice cream!"

I chuckled as she went towards the door and I followed her nodding my head.

Yongsun's P.O.V

We went to the park with our ice cream mine was vanilla flavored ice cream while Moonbyul is having a chocolate flavored ice cream. I was busy eating my precious ice cream when Moonbyul offered her free hand to me. I raised my eyebrow at her hand silently asking her. She shrugged her shoulders and I rolled my eyes at her as I walked forward ignoring her hand. I heard her chuckling a little a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

We just walked in a comfortable silence taking in the view of the park. I stopped when I saw the bench where Eric and I first met. The memory brought a wide smile on my lips but it was replaced with a frown when I looked at Moonbyul's smiling face. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yah! Why are you smiling like that?!"

She changed her expression in an instant shrugging her shoulders. "Nothing. I just remembered something."

"What is it? Tell me?! Is it about you and Eric? Are you remembering your first dates?!", I asked sadness creeping on my voice. I almost forgot that Moonbyul is Eric's mistress and the owner of the other half of his heart.

Suddenly she laughed her nose scrunching in a cute way and I looked at her surprised and I was even more shocked when she took my hand dragging me towards the bench.

"Yah! What are you doing Moonbyul?!" I asked clearly baffled.

She just chuckled her laughter dying down. Then she put her arms around my shoulders protectively. I glared at her for touching me but she just laughed it away. I tried to take her arms off of me but she wouldn't budge she's stronger than me so I just gave up.

"You miss your husband?", I nodded at her question. " Yeah why?"

She grinned at me and I didn't know why but I smiled at her. "Then I'll be your husband until Eric comes back."

My smile dropped and so as my jaw.

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