Chapter 12

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Moonbyul's P.O.V

"You're very funny Byul unnie."

I laughed tilting my head back a little at Sowon's remark.

We've been hanging out since the faithful event that have happened three days ago.

Sowon has been a very great companion. She would laugh out loud not caring about her image. She's also very simple minded and outgoing. Even with our three years age gap, it didn't stop us to have fun.

As for Yongsun, she never talked to me every since Eric came back. She always made sure that there won't be any reason for us to talk privately. We just gave each other civil nods and short replies.

It hurts me to see her laugh and smile with Eric.

So I have to keep my distance as well. Especially now that Eric told me to stay away.

I even looked for a new apartment and ofcourse with the help of this young girl beside me eating her chocolate ice cream happily.

"So, Byul unnie. When will you tell that person about your feelings?"

I stopped eating my ice cream and looked up to the sky letting out a soft sigh.

"I honestly don't know Sowonie. I have a lot of things to think. And besides, I don't think I will be able to tell her how I feel."


Shit! I forgot to tell her.

"Uh. Yeah. Her. The person that I love is a girl."

She gaped at me her jaw slacking down as her ice cream drip down to her hands. I bit down a laugh. Sowon is just too cute. She's like a puppy.

"What?! Oh my god!"

I stopped laughing. "If you don't want to be friends with me because I like girls that's fine with me."

She frantically shook her head from left to right her hair sticking on her face.

"No no no no! It's not like that unnie. I-I actually have the same situation."

I raised my eyebrows at her blushing face.

"Really? Wow! That girl must lucky then.", I said pinching her blushing cheeks.

She playfully swatted my hands away earning a laugh from me.
I ruffled her hair.

"Stop it Byul unnie! Ah! I know! I should stop calling you unnie."

She grinned playfully and I raised my brow at her confused.


She clapped her hands together clearly happy with whatever idea she has in mind.

"Starting from now on. I should call you Byul Oppa."

I widened my eyes in shock while she laughed hysterically.

"Yah! Do I really look like a guy to you?!", I knock her forehead two times annoyed.

She frowned using both of her hands to block my attacks. "Ow! Stop it! It hurts Oppa!"

"Oh my God!"

I facepalmed. She laughed whilst rubbing her now sore forehead, grimacing from time to time but will eventually find her way into fits of laughters.

A few seconds later and I am already laughing with her.

Geez we are seriously crazy.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I hook up the phone from my back pocket surprised when I saw the caller ID.


Sowon looked at me clearly confused and worried.

I give her a small smile reaasuring her.

I ended the call and placed the phone back at my pocket.

"I think it's time for us to go home Sowonie."

I waved goodbye at Sowon and she waved back enthusiastically. I walked her to her apartment despite of the protests that came from her. She insisted on walking home by herself but ofcourse I won't let that happen so I became persistent as I can be. And ofcourse it worked.

"I'll text you once I get home."

I shouted and she nodded at me her smile widening.

I turned around when I saw her closed the door of her apartment.

I sighed running my hands on my hair.

Now, what should I do?
Should I go back to Yongsun's house? But I don't know if I ever wanted to see them together.

Oh right. The phone call. Why did she call me? I think it's important so I better go home I think.

Yongsun's P.O.V

I threw the phone on my bed letting out an annoyed groan. Moonbyul is out again and I don't even know where she went. I tried to call her phone but she didn't even answered.

What if she went out to see Minhyuk?

My eyes widened in realization.

If ever that she went to him I will surely strangle her beautiful neck with my own bare hands!

If ever that she went to him I will surely strangle her beautiful neck with my own bare hands!

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