Chapter 14

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Moonbyul's P.O.V

I was preparing all of my things in my room when suddenly I heard the door creaked open. I stopped stuffing my things in the bag when I saw Yongsun entering the room.

I quickly turned around not wanting to let her know that I'm hurting with the tear-stained face that I face. I disregard her presence and kept on putting all of my stuff inside the bag without giving her a second glance.

She tried to approach me again on the side of the bed but I quickly get off and went to the cabinet still full of clothes and began to get all the clothes inside.

I heard her sighed loudly and I almost choked with tears when she let those words come out of her mouth.

" Fine. If you want it this way then leave. I won't stop you. Besides, I think this is for the best as well. You've been here too long. And you've promised me that you would Eric and I alone when he comes back.And now he's here already, I think this is the best decision that you've ever made."

I stopped with whatever I'm doing since my hands started shaking and I can feel my heart being shattered with everything she said to me. So, that's it. All of the sacrifices that I've made was put to waste. All of the chasing and all of the things that I did just for me to get close to her again, it was all put to the cliff. All thrown away.

I sniffled silently wiping the few tears, I turned my body to face her just to see her face again. I slightly expected to see atleast any remorse, emotion or anything that would make me change my mind in leaving. But no, there's nothing on those beautiful brown eyes. They're as cold as ice. I can't see through them like I used to. It pained me to see her like this, not caring about me leaving her life. I scoffed at the thought. Ofcourse, she won't need someone like me. She has Eric, her husband in the very first place. Besides, who am I to her? At the very first place, I'm only a mistress of her husband after all. Even the 'friendship' that I thought I was able to garnered during those times that Eric wasn't here, were not there in the very beginning. I was the only one who keeps on pushing myself to her.

I finally let out a small smile to Yongsun, my eyes swelling with tears but I manage to held it all in. I can't let her see me like this.

" I know, Yongsun. You're right, this is the best decision that I will make. I hope that you would be happy without me, now that I'm going to move out, you can have Eric already. And just as I promise to you before..."

I paused. I can't hold it in, I cried reaching out her hands for the last time, my hands feeling the softness of her skin.

I didn't look at her eyes this time, and closed my eyes instead, trying to stop any tears from flowing out.

I continued.," I will leave once he's here. I promised that you will never see me again after that. And, I will keep those promises. Just like what I did. Just like what I would always do. I will keep my promise to you. Just like before."

" What do you mean?"

I opened my eyes when that question came out of her mouth. She looked so confused and I mentally cursed myself for saying that. I almost spilled everything.

" Moonbyul. What do you mean?"

I shook my head not wanting to give details. Instead of answering her questions, I stood up and quickly get all the things left in the room and put everything inside the bag. I got all of my stuff and after a couple of seconds I was already out of the room and out of the house. And finally,

Out of Yongsun's life.

Sowon's P.O.V

I was watching the tv when I heard someone knocking on my door, I thought it was my cousin but to my surprise it's actually Byul-oppa.

" Byul-oppa, what are you doing here?", I asked. She didn't reply but instead kept on looking to the ground. She has a lot of bags anyway so I assumed something has happened to her and Yongsun-unnie.

" Did you confessed to her already?", I asked trying to lif up her mood, but instead of getting a laugh from her, she suddenly knelt down and cried her eyes out. I was so shocked that for a moment I cannot move. I quickly recovered myself and knelt down to hug my friend.

She just kept on crying for almost an hour until I felt her body relaxed a bit. I let her inside of my apartment and get her things inside as well. I went to the kitchen to give her a glass of water for her to calm down. She accepted it and took a sip, giving a small thank you to me.

" How are you feeling?", I finally asked. She looked at me with sad eyes. I nodded understandingly not wanting to push the topic any further.

"Sowon," she called me with her raspy voice caused by the crying that she did earlier.

" Yes? What is it?"

" Can I stay here for a while up until the tenant on the apartment that I was supposed to be moving into moved out all of her things?"

I smiled at her and nodded. " You're always welcome here Byul-oppa. I would love to have you here with me for a little while."

She smiled giving me her lop sided smile.

I patted her back and proceeded to the kitchen to cook some food for the both of us.

Yongsun's P.O.V

What the heck just happened?

What did I do?

Why did I let her leave?


What am I supposed to do?

You're so stupid Yongsun.

Go after her! My mind told me but my body betrayed me. I wanted to go after her and take everything that I've said to her. I didn't mean anything of those words. In fact I wanted her to stay. With me. But my ego doesn't let me think rationally.

And now, here I am, alone in the room. Holding the piece of ring in my hands. A lot of questions swarming in my head it made me dizzy.

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