Chapter 16

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I took a deep breath before facing Krystal, my cheeks automatically reddened at the sight in front of me. Krystal is wearing nothing but a shirt. My shirt to be specific. I closed my eyes in response trying my best not blush , but ofcourse I failed miserably upon hearing Krystal's laughter.

"Hey. Put a pants on Krystal-ssi."

"You're so cute Byulie," Krystal said while pinching my cheeks.

I glared at her slapping her hand away gently from my face. " Why don't you have a pants on? You might get sick because of that."

"No I won't. And even so, I know that you'll be here to take care of me. Right?," Krystal smirked at me whilst playing with the buttons of my blouse.

I ignored her obvious flirting and sighed getting the towel from the chair near me. I surrounded my arms around her waist with the towel to cover her bare legs. I felt her body stiffened a bit from  my action.

I raised a brow at her, noticing a small blush on her cheeks but she quickly hid it away with her long black hair. 

" You should really stop doing this Krystal-ssi." I said avoiding her attempt to hug me. She pouted, not happy with me. I walked over to the kitchen wanting to get back to my work which is creating a new recipe for the restaurant where I worked as a cook. 

The restaurant is owned by Choi Siwon, Sowon's older brother. Siwon gave me a week off for me to focus on creating a new recipe for the new customers since the restaurant is blooming since I started working there. 

I gladly took the opportunity of being in my own apartment doing the very thing that I loved which is to be in the kitchen. And of course it took me by surprised when Krystal suddenly barged into my apartment saying that she got a week off too from work. I was shocked to be honest but knowing Krystal she probably used her personality to persuade Siwon from her wants. And since this kid is here in my apartment doing a great job in creating a mess and doing this weird stuff with me. 

When I first met Krystal, I'll admit that I was attracted to her. I mean who wouldn't right? She's pretty and graceful even if she has this icy aura around her.  She has this coldest deep brown eyes but is the warmest color that I've ever seen in my entire life. Full of joy and youth. And I don't blame myself for being attracted to her. If I did not met Yongsun before, I'll probably let myself fall for this girl. But of course, I don't have any control with whoever I  wanted to love. 

Even now, it has always been her. 

I continued doing my work trying to taste the newest spices that I found in the market. And I think Krystal got tired as well in getting into my nerves since I don't hear anything from her. YET.

Maybe she got tired. The ice princess got tired. I laughed at that. She's a true princess yes.

Or so I thought.

Because the very moment that I walked out of the living room to get my pen and notebook, I saw Krystal sprawled on the sofa, her shirt nowhere to be found.

My eyes almost bulged out of its sockets, my jaw dropping after. This girl will be the death of me. 

"K-krystal! Why are you naked?! Where are your damn clothes?!," I shrieked almost choking with the last word.

"It's hot in here so I took it off and threw it somewhere. Why?", she asked innocently like it's a normal thing to be naked.  

I glared at her but she only looked at me innocently. " I told you to stop doing this kind of weirdness!"

"Stop doing what? I'm not doing anything actually. Besides, am I not that pretty to you?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose clearly annoyed at her for being stubborn. "I never said that you're not pretty. I just wanted to-"

"But that's what you're implying!," she threw a pillow at me knocking my head over. I hissed in pain. 

I sighed. " Of course you're pretty. It's just that I'm not comfortable with you being like this and being naked in front of me. I'm just gonna go ahead and get you clothes just stay here okay?. I'll be back."

She smiled gleefully nodding in response going back to her previous position while eating the mango cake that I baked for her earlier.

 I quickly get into my room and quickly grabbed a pair of shirt and pants. Krystal  and I have almost the same body type so I didn't find it hard to look for clothes for her.

My ears suddenly perked up when I heard the opening of the door. I grabbed the clothes in my arms thinking that it might be Sowon and Yuju already back from school.

"Sowon-ah. I'm sorry but can you take your Krystal-unnie to your apartment later since-"

I stopped on my track, almost choking when I saw the person on the door. 

For a whole minute I couldn't breathe. It felt like the apartment suddenly felt like it's suffocating me. I looked back at Krystal, looking at the woman weirdly but still doesn't move. I bet she's just too lazy to move around.

I ran to Krystal's side putting on the shirt that I got on her body. "Krystal I think you need to go to my room first. I'll talk to you later.", I could feel the woman's stare at my back but I ignored it for the mean time. Krystal smiled at me and hugged me from the sides kissing my cheek in response. "Sure. I'll gladly wait for you there. Just please don't take too long okay? Or else I'll probably get impatient."

With that she stood up and smirked at me sending me a wink. I closed my eyes when I heard the door in my room slammed closed.

I ran my fingers through my hair, having a hard time in processing the situation that I'm in as of the moment.

"Moonbyul. I think you have a lot of explaining to do. Who the fuck is that woman?"

I flinched at the profanity that she used. A shiver ran down my spine when I looked at her, her facial features so calm yet so dangerous and if looks could kill, I'm probably ten feet below the ground now.

" Yongsun. I-I can explain."

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