Chapter 9

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Moonbyul's P.O.V

"Sheesh! Where the hell is that woman!", I let out an exasperated sigh as I drove to the streets looking for a certain brunette.

When I walked out of the store after the talk with Minhyuk Oppa, I expected to see Yongsun inside of the car waiting for me. I almost panic when I didn't see her there. I have no idea as of why she just left me there and I am so worried right now.

It's chilly outside that's why I am so worried. I almost gave up looking for her but thank God when I saw a familiar brunette walking briskly at the corner of the street. I put the car to a stop and I almost ran before she could make a turn grabbing her waist just in time before a car might hit her.

She let out a shriek of fright when the car honked at us never stopping in anyway. Whoever is the driver of that car bless your fucking soul!

I scowled at the speeding car. I heard a light whimper making my head snapped at the woman clinging into my arms her body shaking.

"Yongsun. Baby are you okay?"

I heard a scoff and a punch in my gut after. I squirmed in pain feeling my stomach churn. I grimaced when a foot landed on my shin letting my mouth to give out a yelp of surprise my eyes squinting in pure agony.

I jumped up and down muttering a low 'Ouch'.

"Yah! What was that for?!"

I yelled at the retreating back of Yongsun feeling my blood boil at the sudden mood swings. I really don't know what is in her mind right now. Geez women. Will never understand them.

"What are you doing here?!"

I raised my eyebrow at the sudden outburst. "What? Why are you asking that stupid question? Ofcourse I am here! I am so worried about you Yongsun! Where the hell do you think you're going? Huh?! What if something bad has happened to you?! You were almost hit by a car! Jesus woman!"

I groaned flailing my arms in the air in frustration tugging the roots of my hair at the end.

I heard a scoff and I saw her walking away from me again. Before she could run away from me again, I grabbed her waist pulling her gently hugging her in the process. She squirmed in my arms I could feel her hot breath on my left shoulder.

"Yah! What do you think are you doing! Let go of me! Let go Moonbyul Yi!"

"Why are you being like this? Yongsun ah what's wrong? Just tell me. I'm here.", I smoothed her hair just the way she wanted whenever we are having a movie date. She finally relaxes from my touch and I smiled softly. I pulled her out of the hug still holding her close to me.

I looked at her eyes smiling softly at her.

"Come on let's go home first. It's freezing cold out here. Besides we're supposed to cook tteokbokki right?"

She nodded pushing me lightly walking hastily inside of the car.

I walked after her making my way to the driver's seat. I sped off the car still giving the woman beside me a soft glance before turning my attention infront of ms again.


I cleared my throat slightly uncomfortable at the sudden silence that has enveloped the two of us.



I sighed. "Yongsun ah. What's the problem?"


"Baby come on talk to me.", I finally said letting out a whine when I didn't receive any response.

"Look, if you're jealous of Minhyuk Opp-"


I widened my eyes at the outburst. Yeah, definitely not jealous. I smirked.

"If you're not jealous then why are you acting this way?"

"I'M NOT! Actually I don't care if you go out on a date with that bunny looking guy!And I don't give a shit as well if you're like a squished tomato blushing from every compliment he said about you! Pft! Like I care!"

I almost laugh at the mention of 'bunny looking guy' but I held it in because I know it will only make things worse.

I parked my car outside of the house. I unbuckled my seatbelt and just as I ooen my car door Yongsun swiftly went inside the house as fast as she can like her butt is on fire.

I can only sigh and flinched when I heard the front door slammed shut.

I went out of the car with the bags of groceries at hand opening the poor door with my free hand.

I went straight to the kitchen putting all the goods inside the refrigerator.

I decided to cook dinner since Yongsun is still mad at me. I know she won't decline food so I decided to make it as a trap to make Yongsun talk to me without yelling and cursing. I swear that woman can be the death of me.

As I put the plates on the table I heard someone approaching the kitchen and I knew as of the moment that it is Yongsun.

I smirked.

"Yongsun ah. I know you're hungry so come in here and eat."

I heard a scoff and I can't help myself but smile at the stubborness of the woman.

I look at her taking in her appearance. She's wearing a loose shirt making the neck hang low at her left shoulders giving me a half view of her collarbone. She's also wearing her short shorts and her hair pulled up in a messy bun with a few strands of her hair falling on her flawless face.

Yongsun without make up is daebak. I gulped at the sight shaking my head to get rid of my inappropriate thoughts. Ugh. Not now Moonbyul.

"Yongsun about earlier. I'm so sorry if I made you upset. Please forgive me baby."

"Don't 'baby' me. I told you I don't care if you date that guy or not."

I sighed."But I care because you're my wife."

I smirked when I saw her put her head down hiding her blushing cheeks.

"I-I'm not really your wife remember?"

I gave her a stern look not liking the statement.

Because it hurts.

Because it's the truth.

I reached for her hand and I intertwined our fingers her blush is even redder now.

"You're my wife and I will be your husband until Eric is back. I made a promise. You have every right in me. And it hurts me to see you upset and mad at me. I'm sorry."

And I love you. It came out as a whisper and I know that she will never know about that. Never. And it made me sad and hurt.

She sighed."I'm not mad at you Moonbyul. I just really hate that bunny looking guy. He really looked like a bad guy. Who is he to you anyway? Is he your brother? You two look so much a like at first I thought you're twins."

She laughed and I just smiled at her. Awkwardly.

"Uh. Well. About him Yongsun."

She look at me her eyes boring into mine.

"He's my fiance. Minhyuk is my fiance."

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