Chapter 22

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Yongsun's P.O.V

"You can stay here in this room while I sleep on the couch."

I mumbled a small 'okay' to Moonbyul who is now getting a blanket and a pillow to sleep on the living room. I wanted to protest that she can stay and sleep in the room with me but I bit my tongue as I don't want to put any more pressure on her.

I know that she's only doing this to help me sort things out on what I really want and for who I really am. I changed into a sweatshirt and pajamas which is Moonbyul's and I smiled at the thought of her scent rubbing into my skin. How I missed her smell.

We said goodnight to each other and I am still replaying all of the events that has happened to us for the past year. Her, getting involved with the relationship that I have with Eric and me getting confused along the way.

My wife.

I smiled, remembering on how she would address me as her wife. I can't believe I really took it for granted. Her, making me happy and always pushing herself to ensure that I would always feel comfortable and happy.

A tear slid onto my cheeks and I didn't bother to wipe it away. I can feel that she's almost slipping away from me and I don't want that to happen. I just can't.

Krystal's P.O.V

"Why do you look so hurt Moonbyul-ah. You don't deserve this kind of pain."

I wiped away the tears that slipped on Moonbyul's cheek as I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. She's lying here on the living room on the couch while that woman is having a good sleep inside our room.

Why is that you can't look at me like how you look at her?

I kissed her forehead and I went straight to the terrace lighting up a cigarrette.

"Byul does not like the smell of cigarette."

I turned my body to see who it was and there I saw that woman whom I despised the most. I scoffed and I continued to puff the cigar on my left hand.

"I don't think she would care as I have been with her for the past 6 months."

She nodded and a minute of silence enveloped the both of us as I stared at her. Full plumped lips, black straight hair, a mole on the side of her  eyes... She's pretty, yes. But she's a conniving bitch as well. A manipulator.

"I was wondering, Yongsun-ssi. Why are you here trying to get her back?"

I felt her eyes on me as I stared up at the black sky.

"I can't live without her. I am trying to fix everything wrong that I have done to her."

I scoffed. "Now you're saying that but when you had her back at that time, you easily let her go."

I can tell I am getting into her nerves but I didn't care a bit. "You did not even think of her when she's with you acting like a good partner and husband to you. So stop being a hypocrite and just stay away from her. It's going to be better for her."

"You're acting like you know everything! I don't think you know what you are talk-"

"I definitely know what I am talking about, Yongsun-ssi. You have been a toxic manipulating bitch trying to get her to be with you all the fucking time, not caring if it's going to be good for her or not. All you just wanted to do is to have her, like a property and marked her as your own. You didn't like that she's slipping away from you, didn't you?"

She did not replied but I know she is gritting her teeth thinking on what she could retaliate but I know for better that she can't come up with anything as I am right.

"One piece of advise. Stop being a hypocrite and just let her be with her life. She's handling a good restaurant now and is living her life to the fullest. I think that's what you should do as well. Go back to Eric and to your life and stop bothering Moonbyul. This is not only for her. But also for you. If you are both together, nothing will be done good."

I smirked and patted her shoulder before walking out of the terrace. I hope she understood what I told her. I will make sure to not give in this time. Not on again on this timeline.

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