Chapter 15

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Yongsun's P.O.V

It's been almost three months since the last encounter I had with Moonbyul. I never really thought about the huge emptiness that I've felt since the day that she left me in that room. I can't even stay in that room for even a minute because of the suffocating feeling that I always feel whenever I'm in that room. Just thinking that three months ago, we were totally fine. Until that day happened when Eric just suddenly came back. I don't know why I felt the need to stay away from Moonbyul. It just felt like I'm cheating with Eric, knowing that I don't feel anything with his mistress. 

I'm so confused why she said those things to me and even left me a ring. I don't get her when she said that she's tired of all the chasing and stuff. 

I'm even more confused now that she's gone and she doesn't even try to contact me. Did she already forget the friendship that we've created?

Am I that easy to forget?


I snapped out of my daze when I felt a tug on my left shoulder leaving me no choice but to look at Eric who has a worried look on his face. I tried to smile, a genuine one for him to not to worry too much and for him not to ask.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" I shook my head whilst patting his hand to reassure him that I'm okay. 

" No need Eric. I'm fine. "

He sighed frustratedly and I gave him a confusing look. What's his problem now.

"Tell me the truth Yongsun-ah. Why are you acting this way?"

I scowled my eyes not really getting what he meant by that question. " What do you mean? I already told you I'm fine right?"

He suddenly slammed his fist on the table causing some utensils to fall on the ground. I looked at him shockingly and tried to say sorry to those people who looked at us weirdly for the sudden action that he made. We were out here in a fancy restaurant, eating dinner, and him making a scene out of the blue.

"What the heck is your problem Eric?!", I whispered half yelled at him not happy of what he did.

He exhaled through his nose, a sign for me that he's already angry. I grabbed his arm and thankfully he let me to drag him out of the restaurant to our car stopping on the door of the car for us to talk. I frustratedly ran my fingers through my hair and looked at him disappointed of his actions.

"What happened Eric?! Why are you suddenly making a scene in there?! What's gotten into you?"

"What about you Yongsun?! You've been so distant from me, your own husband ever since Moonbyul left the fucking house! I've been very patient with you since then thinking that maybe you just need adjustment with her not around! I tried to talk to you but you've always been mum about it. At first I thought since you've been together ever since I left, you've created a small friendship with her so I thought that maybe it's because of that. But now, I don't know what to think anymore Yongsun! Just tell me. Is there something that happened when I left for Paris before?"

I looked at him like he got two heads trying to figure out what he meant by the last question that he spat out. 

"What are you implying Eric?"

"Did something happened between the two of you while I'm gone Yongsun? Did you cheat on me with that whore?!"

I scoffed not believing the things that is coming out of his mouth right now. "How dare you to even think that I would cheat on you when in the very first place you're the one who cheated on me with HER! So what happened with this mistress shit?! Huh? You know what?! I already have forgiven the two of you since Moonbyul was able to show me that she's not the type of woman I thought she was. She's a very decent woman and a very humble person at that. I can't believe you're going to think of me that way either! Eric, I always showed how much I love and care for you. So why are you accusing me of cheating  with your Mistress?! Do you even hear yourself right now?!"

I pushed him out of the way and opened the car door not wanting to talk to him anymore tears already running down my face.  Is it wrong to miss Moonbyul this much that it hurts to even talk about her. It hurts that Eric talked about her that low. And I couldn't take it when Eric called her a whore. Moonbyul is the most humble and angelic person that I've met. I remembered when she slapped my arm when I killed a mosquito. I bitterly laughed at the thought.

I can now admit to myself that I fucking miss that Chipmunk already.

The hell I care about Eric.

I drove out of the restaurant leaving Eric behind, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible with a new determination that I have now.

Moonbyul, I'm going to find you. Just wait for me.

Moonbyul's P.O.V

"Woah. Oppa! You look so cute with that!"

I laughed lightly when I heard Sowon from behind complimenting my outfit. "Why, thank you Sowon-ssi."

She laughed at my formality giving me a light pat on my bum, an act of silliness that she got when we felt comfortable with each other. 

"Yah, Sowonie stop abusing Byul-unnie's butt. It will get sore in the long run.", Yuju, Sowon's girlfriend scolded while slapping my butt as well in the process. I just laughed at their antics which I've been used to ever since we've been friends for the past three months.

I heard Sowon complaining that Yuju is like a strict grandmother who doesn't know how to have fun while Yuju kept on complaining how childish Sowon can be. I looked at the two with an admiration on my eyes. I can't believe they are together now, my memories turning back to the very first time that I saw these two together, acting to awkward and shy with each other. I helped Sowon to get close with Yuju, since she has a huge crush on the girl whom she always talked to me about. She often tell me that Yuju looks like my twin sister. I laughed at the memory.

Then suddenly I remembered Yongsun. The woman whom even today I can't stop thinking about. I let out a sigh. This is for the better. You just have to forget about her and your feelings. I told myself.

"Byul-unnie! Come here! We have someone to introduce to you"

I lifted my head up to see Yuju waving at me to walk over to them. I briskly walk to them until I notice that they have a company with them. I looked at the girl and wow, she's pretty. I mean she has this pale skin, long black silky hair. She has this ice princess aura around her and I shivered when she reached out her hand to shake mine. She smirked a bit causing me to flinch and looked away shyly, feeling that my cheeks are burning red. She chuckled lowly.

I heard Sowon faked a cough causing me to let go of the cold hand. "By the way Byul-Oppa, this is my sister, Krystal-unnie. Unnie this is my Moonbyul-Oppa"

"Hi there Moonbyul...Oppa.", she smirked and I let out a small smile.

"Nice meeting you. Krystal."


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Okay. So first off, Hello there! It took me a long time to publish these chapter since I have work and I got sick as well these past few days but no worries. I'm fine now. And to those people who commented on my author's note, I'm so thankful for the support that you have given me. I can't thank you enough guys. And I totally freakin love you. 

So I hope you would enjoy this chapter for the meantime.


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