Not an update

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First of all. I don't even know why I'm typing this shit. And second I don't even know why I'm still writing this author's update.

I know that my stories have been on hiatus for the past couple of months and it actually hurts me that I wasn't able to keep my promises to you guys. I don't even know if there are still people out there who are reading this piece of shit. 

The reason why I wasn't able to update my stories are because I don't have the passion anymore with the past few months. I was mess I can say. I don't know where to start. My life went downhill. Last aug, my girlfriend and I broke up. I felt shit and couldn't even bring myself to even hold a fucking pen. No words could come out of my mouth and even using my hands, I can't. The words are empty. They were not as colorful as before for me. I even stopped doing music. I lost my job because I was so depressed. Even my parents and family couldn't do anything about it. I just kept everything to myself and I couldn't let anybody in my space again. 

It's like, I created another me within me. I couldn't find myself these past few months. It was so fucking hard to forget the very first person who made  me feel loved and wanted. I just couldn't accept the fact that love would actually make me feel that hurt. I shut people out. I never let them in since then.

But then, one day I finally realized that I should move on and accept the fact that everything happens for a reason. I was able to fully recover my old self. And that's because of YOU guys. 

I don't know why but I opened my email account and read all of your comments and messages. I even teared up a little because of the messages I got. You might not even understand but those messages actually saved me from doing any harm with myself that time. 

So I want to thank everyone who keep on supporting me and my stories. I totally appreciate everything! I love you guys.

And yea, I'm back. And I hope that I would be able to atleast satisfy your hunger and thirst with the updates that I have stored in my notebook. LOL



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