Chapter 19

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"Is she awake?"

"I don't think so."

"Yah! Don't touch her!"

"What right was given to you to yell at me?"

I stirred in my bed when I heard the commotion. They suddenly stopped when I opened my eyes and ran my hands through my hair.

Suddenly I felt bodies crashing on top of me.

I finally opened my eyes and saw two beautiful women staring right at me with a concerned look on both of their faces.

"Are you okay?", Yongsun asked and cup my face with both of her hands. I flinched right away with the touch and I saw the hurt on her eyes. She slowly detached herself from me while Krystal rubbed my cheeks to give me some warmth.

I slightly regretted the reaction I gave to Yongsun but then I thought it's for the best if she thinks that I still hate her. I know I am a jerk to do that but she hurt me even though she still doesn't know the truth. And I would like to keep it that way.

"You guys, I can't breathe. Please.", I saighed in relief.

"I think you should rest more.", In a tiny voice Yongsun said.

I look at her feeling a slight remorse on my actions. But then I can't stop myself. "Why are you still here? Didn't I tell you that I don't want anything to do with you right now?"

I know I hurt her with that statement. Tears are brimming in her eyes. But what can I do? I just don't want to get hurt at the same time.

"I know this is not the right time to talk you. But please just take a rest first and let's talk when you're feeling okay."

Solar said giving me a smile.
My heart pounded. Oh how I missed those smile. That small dimple on the corner of her mouth-

God! I need to stop!

"I don't think she wanted to talk to you ever.", Krystal smirked at Yongsun causing the latter to drop her smile. I could feel the room temperature dropping at every minute.

"Says who? You? Who are you anyway?", Yongsun said with gritted teeth.

Krystal scoffed and I know I have to stop this before it gets out of hand.

"Okay you two out of my room now!" I said pushing them out of the room.


I cut them off by slamming the door shut. I rubbed my temples with my head throbbing. I need to sleep and take a long rest.

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