Chapter 20

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Moonbyul's P.O.V

My mind is confused as hell. Why would Yongsun be here in the first place? I thought she's having a good time now with her husband. If maybe this has happened a few months back, I would probably take her in and embraced her in my arms. But I am not the old Moonbyul as before. I changed. I know I changed. I should.

I walked out of my bedroom and went to the living room and stared at Yongsun for a couple of seconds before I shift my gaze to Krystal who has her arms crossed and her eyes not meeting mine. Which is strange to be honest since she has never avoided mine and is always has her cold face on. But now it feels different. I told her that I will need to talk to Yongsun and I know she wanted to say something but I did not gave her a chance to do so as I grabbed my coat and told Yongsun to follow me.

Now we are currently at a nearby park, on one of the benches not staring at each other. I cleared my throat. "I'm not really sure why you are here. I don't mean to be rude or anything but I just wanted to know why you are here."

I can feel her gaze at me but I ignored it still refusing to look at her. Since I might fall for those eyes again.

"To be honest, I don't know. We were having a nice dinner but then suddenly I just... need for me to find you again. I kept thinking about you and I know what I did was wrong. I wanted to run after you but my pride got in the way. I definitely want to take you back. I don't know why I am feeling this way and I am confused. But now I realized that I lo-"

This time I found myself looking at her. In her eyes which I used to love. I stopped her since I know that I might give in again. And I can't let that to happen. "I have forgiven you Yongsun."

She smiled brightly tears rolling down her cheeks. I wiped it the back of hands and kissed her on her forehead, a small smile forming on my lips. I caressed her face missing the warmth it always give me. I miss you. I wanted to say it out loud. But I stopped myself again. I cannot risk anything now.

I looked her in the eyes making sure that she's staring at me letting her know what I wanted to say.

"But I moved on. And I am happier now. I hope you can find your own happiness too. Please don't come back here anymore."

A/N: Thank you so much to @-CrazyDream- for the cover photo. It's perfect! Thank you!

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